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I'm thank you again for another month of support. I hope you guy stay safe out there.

As always if you found any mistake feel free to tell me in the comment.




God, you do truly stunning battle sequences


Such power but with a huge bodily cost, I do wonder though if Aria had been able to finish that attack would Hero have been restored to his former self, or would he have simply been laid to rest like Gilbert tried to do?


Fantastic as always; you can really feel the emotion in the last panel. Minor typos: a stray quotation mark in the end of the first bubble, and a missing period at the end of the last one.

Arthur Yeung

@ibenz009 Is "Arch Purificare" Latin?




Just stunning, we're coming to the close of the comic now!

D Banks

Well dying to stop the demon once and for all sounds noble


Demon Lord's expressions of glee at finding a worthy opponent are wonderful. She looks odd with her hair blown back, but it's worth it to show how powerful the spell is... and how it has weakened by the end. Likewise, Aria dissolving away amidst all that light is a super neat effect.


25.1 Bathed in the light of the goddess herself, what a privilege! or What a privilege to be bathed in the light of the goddess herself! or The light of the goddess herself. What a privilege! {Using the indefinite article (a light) takes away from how rare and special this is implied to be. Also, presumably the Goddess has a singular "light" that is hers, and which Aria is directly channeling with this spell.} {Not a big deal in the grand scheme of things but the hilt, cross-guard, and blade of the sword do look slightly out of alignment with each other in this panel.} 25.5.2 magic => power {Maybe.} 25.7.2 {Add a period for the sake of consistency as Astra said.} 25.7.3 NGHTT.. {Can't really read this text as is.}


I think so I don't excatly remember but it should be italian or latin.