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Chapter 2 sketch is completed! Sorry if it took very long. My sainty got destroy with every page. Now the coloring part. New year new hell i'm i right lol.

As always if you want to help salvage my grammar or have any suggestion feel free to post on the comment.

Also as the first post in 2021 I have to thank you for all you support last year. It's more than I deserve. I hope you guy stay safe and happy. Welcome to 2020+1 it can't get any worst right?




Looking forward to see the complete work with colors and a good 2021 to you


Wow, love how it's coming along so far!


One thing I’m a little confused about is the seemingly absent full black form of Aria’s demon state, I saw only the bare tail wand form. I thought that they would both be used. Edit: Ok apparently it’s on the final page with her riding the horse but still I thought we would see a bit more of it than that.


I run out of space to put that in you can see black form on with shadow horse on final page. And on page 23 on small panel. Sorry i don't want it to be anymore longer than it's is.

Evan Lee

So, Aria's mind isn't corrupted? If it doesn't, she may be ostracized by human realm...


hmm making it longer then i expected


It looks really good; I look forward to when it has colors added to it!

Arthur Yeung

@ibenz009 Are there any other demon lords? Or is "Hero" the supreme ruler of all demons?

Roxanne Giling

P1: 1: "O twelve saints, come together" 2: "O twelve saints, hear my prayer. I am the light that guides the righteous. I am the light that purifies the sinners." "Behold! This is the light of the goddess. None shall hide from her embrace. By my hands. Darkness into light. Heretic into faithful. Sinner into saint. 3: "The old chant of the twelve saints... an ancient holy spell that was used by the twelve saints to purify the corrupted king and his army. She's using her new magical energy to channel this spell alone?!" "I will grant you forgiveness. I will grant you salvation. This I swear." 4. "ARCH PURIFICARE!!"


There are only one demon lord at a time. Yes hero is supreme ruler.

Roxanne Giling

P2: 1: "A light from the goddess herself! What a privilege." 2: "My blade?! It's getting purified?!" 3: "Such power! So this is what it's like to fight the champion of a goddess! Not bad! Not bad at all!" 4: "Yes, my blood is boiling!! More Aria! Show me more! You need to shine brighter if you wish to purify me!" 5: "What's the matter? Your magic is waning?" "Gr... shut... up" "My body... it's burning... the holy magic... did it reject this tainted body? I must keep focusing... please... just a little more..." 6: "So that's your limit. A pity." "Cease your struggle, demon, or else you will die by your own magic." 7: "Demon bodies are not supposed to channel the goddess's magic. It's like a poison to our kind." "Stop, before it's too late." "Nghtt..."


It was nice to see Gilda briefly chime into that struggle/fight. Even her banter was nice and cute!

Arthur Yeung

@Arboc B. Cigam Since you're just as surprised in this turn of events as I am, how about you keep your old copy as apocrypha (non-canon) instead of deleting it from the web?




Gah!!! I want to see them colored! I can't wait!


i didn't saw that end coming. good good, i like it


Wow! Awesome ending! What a great start to 2021!

Jaegar Media

Love the sketch work on these pages, take it easy don't work too hard on these! I

hawk Mitora

I love aria now


Hmm... Hmmm... Yes... Interesting. I'm not in a great place right now to put in the time on a heavier edit , but I'll get to it by early next week.


The stronger the light, the darker the shadow, day and night are one in twilight


Never go full degen, folks; that way lies only sorrow and unproductively. Anyway, after the aforementioned affliction, I have emerged with edits. Yay~


24.1.1 O Twelve Saints, hear my prayer. {I think it flows better with Aria asking them to hear her prayer first.} 24.2.1 O Twelve Saints, gather to me. I am the light that guides the righteous. I am the light that purifies the sinful. {Contractions are too informal for spell casting. Ah, but I see Benjamin already mentioned that.} 24.2.2 Behold, the Divine Light of the Goddess. None may hide from her embrace. With my hands, Darkness unto Light, Heretic unto Faithful, Sinner unto Saint. 24.3.1 That's the invocation of the Twelve Saints... the ancient holy spell they used to [redeem / purge / purify] the [Profane / Corrupt] King and his [dread / demonic / undead] army. 24.3.2 Channeling such a spell alone is downright reckless, even with the increase to her magical power the transformation provided. 24.3.3 I will grant you forgiveness. I will grant you salvation. This I swear. 24.4 {Demon Lord's blade is in her left hand here but switches to her right hand on the next page. The overall layout looks good and is probably more work to change, so I'd vote for drawing it pointing the other direction and held in her right hand on this page.} {Also, the perspective is a little wonky in this frame. It looks like Demon Lord is shifted out of Aria's line of fire, such that the beam would pass by on the far side of her.}


Wow! This was quite a surprise indeed! I love it! It kinda simultaneously does a little bit of everything without falling into the "but pleasing no one" caveat. Incredibly job! Your effort was well worth it!~


THia s isn't both good or bad ending. Great work sir. This need to be some kind of arch series or it will just end at this point ??


What`s wonderful plot !(I`m sorry for my bad english,I can`t explain the feeling when I saw the ending)