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I'm late for this years christmas pic.  So i'm open for an idea.

You can sent your suggention here.

I will choose in hours or two if I found the idea I like.

Choosing not guarantee!



Lavini and Cassie dressed up for Christmas?


How about a metallic golden nero wearing this fetish santa outfit I've been seeing around. Padoru time ( ◜‿◝ )♡ https://imgur.com/a/iKWAU0z


Why not the Demon Lord trio in their post transformation forms?

Rökkr Ragnarok

How about the Time Trio all wrapped up together with a fourth giggling at them for their horrible Wrapping Paper job?~

Jaegar Media

How about a simple sexy silver liquid metal conversion Santa Claus with a bag of toys slung over her shoulder ontop of a roof?


I want the same thing, but please do the colored version :D


👏Christmas. 👏Sharkgirls.

Arthur Yeung

Golem girls from Ninja And The Dark Cult 2!


Hmm... I'd suggest either a followup to your halloween piece with the time elementals dressed up for Christmas or a followup to your Liliraune comic involving Anna and Lucia and how the town has dressed them up for Christmas.


All your original characters of this year in Christmas costumes


Iron and mercury as liquid metal Christmas trees?


Christmas Crystal Angels


Liliraune commericalmas trees hating there seasonal job as the lights chaff all the wrong spots


I kinda like the idea of one of the casts as chibis for some reason? The Time Elementals seem funniest


Fusion of the robo Ereshkigal and Ishtar from before but Christmas themed and doing Christmas cheers^^


how about someone turned into some kind of Ice golem.


If Christmas Idea are needed I think it would be interesting to see ice elemental tg where the victim is santa and the stanta becomes ice elemental being its been awhile to see elemental tg content here


how about turning someone into a female half human half dragon


Someone turned into a sleek black corruptive coal golem girl.

Heroic Spirit Stewart

How about a metallic Jeanne (Ruler, Fate) as a Santa girl, Turning the bad girls like Semiramis and Mordered into fellow Metal Santa girls?

Benjamin Lawton

Perhaps a pair of girls as translucent gemstone golems? One made of ruby and the other of emerald, for appropriate Christmas coloring?

D Banks

How about those two failed adventures that became a failed lilurine maybe the villiagers are exploiting them for Christmas


Simple is best - some metal girls (or some of the newer ones) in skimpy santa-girl outfits.


Someone open up Christmas present a little early. Is now turn into a one girl like reindeer to help Santa


I would like to see the blonde Valkyrie in golden armor corruption and become a dark valkyrie with blue skin and silver hair in black armor.


Female Santa


I would love to see the Liquid Mercury girls dressed up as sexy toy soldiers! I don't see enough of those drawn or shared and I would adore seeing what sexy toy soldiers of ANYONE for that matter look like in your style~ Hell, maybe instead you could have the mannequins from that mannequin tf you did dressed up as sexy toy soldiers~


Under the tree trapped girl covered in plastic turning her in a doll while keeping her aware of her surrounding

John Hynden

Demon Aria spending time with children during Christmas