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Alright here are second design for  other party member. Still can't decided on pladin or barbarian for second member that will be turn into golem.




This looks really cool. As for Paladin/ barbarian, it could be a cool idea to have a armour become part of the golem if you choose Paladin.

D Banks


Gustavo Tani

I think paladin works well for lucy idea, golem core attaches itself to his armor, it binds itself to his body then re-shapes it


I say the shades wearing barbarian as it fits the douchey followers of the church. Then you could have the white mage girl become charmed or turned into one of the Lilim daughters of the demon Lord, as a white mage enhanced or a Lilim with incredible healing abilities would be cool and interesting. Perhaps be a good way of showing others the Demon Lord's true intentions by having her heal people in an epilogue panel perhaps.


Also I love the look of the golem with thw built in high heel and everything~<3


>Paladins armor traps them in, and begins to reshape them and transform Yes please :)

Alexey Stratulat

Very good! It is possible that the party member was a paladin and a barbarian.


nice, was the paladins design inspired by age if sigmar? I like the white mage


Yeah. I don't know anything about lore about fantasy warhammer but I kinda more fimillar with 40k.


I think It will be too long. I think it will end with golem finished transformed and looking over white mage and get a cliff hanger end.

Roxanne Giling

I really love the designs :3 Maybe you could try a sort of fusion between the two?