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Next project poll

  • 1.Moon oracle TG 115
  • 2.Latex Demon TG 406
  • 3.Mistress Diamond TG 85
  • 4.Ballerina doll boss TF 102
  • 5.Porcelain girl TG: 95
  • 2024-07-07
  • —2024-07-12
  • 803 votes
{'title': 'Next project poll', 'choices': [{'text': '1.Moon oracle TG', 'votes': 115}, {'text': '2.Latex Demon TG', 'votes': 406}, {'text': '3.Mistress Diamond TG', 'votes': 85}, {'text': '4.Ballerina doll boss TF', 'votes': 102}, {'text': '5.Porcelain girl TG:', 'votes': 95}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 7, 12, 9, 0, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 7, 7, 8, 44, 21, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 803}


Poll for next comic be sure to use your vote!

The details for each option are in this post.




Come on man, you know exactly what we will pick


I think having them keep their identity should be done.



Arthur Yeung

@ibenz009 Can it be the white latex demon if the latex demon is chosen?

Arthur Yeung

Well, let me know if you need any help with that, writing wise. I'll be happy to make things easier for you, with grammar and spelling, etc.

hojin kim

Can you draw Freezing Nova if you have a chance?


@ibenz009 do you plan to do/take commisions any time soon?


Number 2 would a great idea. Please @ibenz009, hopefully you will open commissions soon.

nick bates

rip your porcelain design is fire

Grill Chicken

I'm surprised you didn't put a Gilda scenario on the poll


Ballerina doll!!!! C'mon!!


Looks like it's just a contest for 2nd place at this rate. Shame, I really like option 3 and 4.


2 but I very much like the idea of 3.



坂下祥子 (edited)

Comment edits

2024-07-09 02:27:14 2に投票します ラテックスの色や模様の資料(照明無しでの色合いや後ろ姿での模様など)が欲しいですね
2024-07-09 01:59:26 I vote for option 2. I would like some information on the colors and patterns of latex (such as the colors without lighting and the patterns seen from behind).

I vote for option 2. I would like some information on the colors and patterns of latex (such as the colors without lighting and the patterns seen from behind).

Jaegar Media

Good thing I picked one that everyone else seems to fancy! May actually get something I want to see for once lol.