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Sorry I want to finish this before the end of the month but double page and COM taking longer than I expected.

As always if you find any mistake on this please tell mei n the comment.

And once again thank you for another month of support!




In bed with two LM girls, sounds like paradise


Oooohhhhh this luuuucky luuuucky GORGEOUS BITCH of a crazy scientist... Bet that had to feel like a wobbly sandwich, god dang it— 💧


Welp, it's official, she's fucking them robots. Honestly, she's living her lesbian/robosexual romance fantasy and, you know what, good for her.


What a great job, I seriously would like to sleep like that with Prima.


You're almost there!


I think that should have been “orders, mistress” and “then demote me”


Love it but Prima and Secunda would look better if they were blue like the other pages.

Arthur Yeung

Oh, if June ever finds out, she'll be rightfully pissed. And if Miller was somehow un-brainwashed, hell hath no fury like a fembot scorned. Think about it - Amelia technically altered their brains and played around with their bodies. Instead of roofies, she TECHNICALLY raped them with nanomachines. The only saving grace was that Miller is now subservient and cannot object (never had consent anyways), and June's personality is separated from her body.


-Placeholder for a more detailed message later- Maaaan you got my brain activated with that, I won't leave this opportunity for an in depth talk unreplied!!

Arthur Yeung

@ibenz009 Edits: 33: Prima: Why should I believe you? What's stopping you from triggering them later? Birdeye: But if you refuse, I guarantee you your precious estate will be nothing but rubble by sunrise. Amelia: Damn you ... Prima, let him go. Prima: Orders, mistress?

Arthur Yeung

@ibenz009 Page 34: Prima: Are you certain about this, Mistress? Amelia: I indeed embezzled their research funding to create my nanites. Their paranoid little minds will think I intend to defect. I will simply tell them what they wish to hear ... so they will beg and grovel over what they'd like and see. I will offer them a small portion of my work. They will simply slap me on the wrist and then demote me. Don't worry about your existence, Prima. Even if I told them the truth, they wouldn't believe me. Still, I should've anticipated that the woman would send her own minion along with those corporate grunts. My nanites being stolen will certainly pose a problem ... Prima: Mistress ... Mistress. Please wake up. I know you need time to get ready, but you need to punctual considering your circumstances.


how many more pages?

Arthur Yeung

@Proformic2015 Can't wait to hear it. When do you think you'll be ready to talk?


Just a little question, are you taking commissions?


AaaaaaalllllRIGHT man! The first thing I wanna address is the ,,unbrainwash" part- You gotta keep in mind that the two aren't just brainwashed, they are literally completely CONVERTED into a giant mass of the Liquid Mercury Nanobots- And as we have seen throughout the entire comic, this mass is/can be completely morphable and formless. From a flatchested loli over a tall mommy with knockers you can't imagine up to literally MULTIPLE PUDDLES (after the explosive attack), everything is possible- THAT MEANS!!! Should they somehow be reformed, the Nanobots first would need to fully restore their outer AND INNER structure to how it once has been, PROVIDED you can somehow hack into their programm and control them--

Arthur Yeung

@Proformic2015 I'm talking about their mental programming. If their values and personality were reverted, they could gain their old minds back. Miller's emotional personality was suppressed, and June's mind was split into two. Changing shape is a matter of confidence and mentality. That's the easier part. Still, you must agree that Amelia's kinda ... rapey with the robots, yeah? Not that I'm complaining, of course.


Mhm mhm I see the point now-- Yeah I guess the two would be FURIOUS, especially, as you said Mr. Miller-- 💧 Which leaves the imagination what the two would do with their bodies abilities then, that would become quite a scene I dare to say. The rapey part though... Well to a certain degree? Of course she forcibly converted them but.... Mmmh it's hard to draw a line in this scenario honestly, and for neutrality on using such a hard term, Iiiii rather neither agree nor disagree-


The first page where the intruder says "Become a rubble" the "a" is not needed and where Prima says "Order' Mistress" just an s at the end of order is needed, other than that the first page is perfect, two more pages to go, fantastic work.