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I have updated the rewards for all my tiers.

Bronze tier:

- From now when I post this, Febuary 2018. You will now be allowed to see all upcoming works in progress, such as from commissions or personal works I inted to finish all the wauy through.

- You get to see 1 out of many sketches ive put on the weekly doodle packs.

*This does NOT apply to the  comics.*

Silver tier:

- A reminder that all the early acess sketches will be now compiled in sketch packs for you to scroll down at. New packs come out every Friday.

- Access to my comics as soon as its finished.

Gold tier:

- If you have pledged a total of 20$ You get to ask me to draw whatever you desire. (Limited to 6 people per month, others will be queued to the next month)

- If there are more than 2 or more
gold tier pledges, one of you will be randomly selected to get to request a sketch.


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