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"And then he laughed. His head rocked back and he laughed and the birds came back and laughed right along with him."

Helloooo everyone!! happy April! sorry if it took me a lot to post the first artwork of the month! the beginning of April was super crazy. I had a comic convention in Rome, Then it was my birthday and on the same days, there were easter holidays! I really had very little free time and used all of it to make this mini-comic.

I have been wanting to do this Wolfsong scene for a very long time and finally had the time and inspiration to do it!

Besides, this minicomic was born as a " gift" for a person, as a thank you for a special gift they gave me. BUT that is another story, I will tell you about it soon!

Anyway, I hope you like it! ^^




This is my favourite part of the book.. THANK YOU!!