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And yeah, I'm still screaming about " The Sun and The Star." I had this idea of doing Nico and Will as Tarot cards and.... yes. I cannot waiiiiiit!

Ps. I don't know why I can't upload the wallpaper to this post,( it says "reason Unknown" -.-)

 so for now, I'm leaving this link. you can download the files here:


It lasts only 7 days, once it expired I'll try to upload the wallpapers again. 



Valentina La Rosa

sono bellissimi! io li vedi caricati come sempre, scaricabili!

Alessia Trunfio

ah è vero!!!!!! non so perchè mi dava errore!!! meglio così! spero ci siano tutti! sono messi tutti in disordine ahahah! Grazie comunqueeeeee <3


So gorgeous, the lighting, the colors, the depth!