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Hi there guys!

I am writing you this message because I have an important update to give you.

For the next month ( maybe two), I will have to take a break from publishing on Patreon.

Don’t worry! Nothing serious or bad!

The thing is, so far I have always been super productive and have always managed to balance my main job as an illustrator and posting here and on social. however, lately, I've been struggling a bit to keep up. I really need to be able to focus on fewer things at a time.

This is the thing: for the next few months, I will have to work on many projects at the same time ( various book covers, a graphic novel, and other picture books). Also, I am working on another " project", that I can't tell you about for now, which has kept me busy a lot in the last few months, but I will be busy for some days even in August.
and it's all FANTASTIC news! and I'm super excited. But all this amount of work involves me having to focus so much on all these projects.

In addition to all this good work-related news, I would like to try to take a few days off as a vacation, since I have not taken a single day off all year. So, since I am overwhelmed with work and deadlines, I have to necessarily reduce posting here.

So, since I can't promise you assiduous and regular posting, and my main goal here on Patreon is to maintain the utmost integrity, transparency and fairness, I will be pausing billing for subscriptions in August( but probably September as well).

What does that mean?
You simply will not be charged for the August monthly subscription. the blog remains absolutely active and visible, you will be able to see all previous posts.

What will change?
There will be no new publications ( or if there should be some there will be few and sporadic) and you will not pay anything. you should, however, get a notification from Patreon explaining the situation as best as I will stop August billing.

EDIT:  I've reached out with Patreon support and I noticed I didn't give you clear information about the pause of August Billing subscriptions. I want to make clear how the pause will work. ( just because I was confused too at the beginning).  Since every 1st of the month you pay for the previous month, I'll stop the billing for subscriptions after August 1st. Because I'll go on hiatus in August,  you won't pay for the month of August.  this means that you will not be charged the August subscription cost on September 1st.  Sorry for the confusion, I hope everything is clearer now!

When Will I go back to publishing?
my goal is to start again in September, but more realistically I will be able to be active again in October. of course, I will keep you updated!

Having said that, I want to thank you as always for all the support, enthusiasm, and love you have given me over the months. I am always speechless for all the support you give me and I want to thank you for everything. THANK YOU.
I apologize for this hiatus, I know it seems to happen all out of the blue, but actually, I have been resisting for months and trying not to stop publishing and producing fanarts.
However, now I realize that taking breaks is also necessary. I really need to find some balance in my life because I can't unfortunately keep up with ALL the things.
I hope you’ll understand.

ps. I'm working on one more artwork before July ends and before taking the hiatus and it will be something of Nico! ;)

Thank you so much again FOR EVERYTHING!
Love you!



I, for one, are happy that you're taking a break. You deserve to take whatever time you need to take care of yourself.