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"He was a tornado of fingers and feet and words. I was caught in the storm."
[Wolfsong- T.J. Klune]

Sooo guys!   a few weeks ago I've read the "Green Creek" Books Series by Tj Klune ( there are four book: Wolfsong- Ravensong- Heartsong- Brothersong) and I LOVED IT SO MUCH! as usual, I discover these masterpieces pretty late, but as usual " better later than never". By the way, if you haven't read these books I really recommend them.  they're WONDERFUL! a lot of love, laughs, tears, angst, drama, and cuteness I can't even describe. I loved ALL the characters!

The reason I wasn't too active lately was because of this mini-comic. these 8 pages really took me A LOT OF TIME. it has been weeks that besides my client jobs, the normal illustrations I made for Patreon/Instagram, I was working on this mini-comic as well!
Sometimes I think these comics are really too time-consuming, but I really can't stop doing them. I love transposing a scene I loved in a book into a comic! So forgive me if sometimes these comics took me more time to post new stuff!
Anyway, I hope you like this! I've made also more illustrations about Green Creek I'll post them soon <3




I've just started this novel, too! I have no idea where it's going, but I'm already in love with Joe😍

Alessia Trunfio

Ooooh guys! Thank you SO SO SO MUCH! Your words filled me with joy! Really you're the best! thanks! *^*

Alessia Trunfio

OOOOOOOH! GREAT! you'll LOVE IT! well, what can I say? WELCOME to this hell of love and tears! ahaha <3