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English Translation:
"Fifty-nine days, one thousand four hundred and sixteen hours. It was the only thing I could think of in front of that door.
I was simply staring at it. It was impossible that fear was stronger than impatience, lack, desire and curiosity; of the desire to see his smile again, of the desire to smell him, to taste him, and of the tiredness of the past time. Still, I was there. For twenty minutes. And I stared at the door. I had learned every geometry of it. Beyond it I seemed to distinguish the noises, the barefoot footsteps on the marble and the closet doors closing. Even the sound of water running into the bathroom tap. It was enough for me to stand there, watch the glare of light under the door changing according to how the window was open, and listen to the noises coming from outside. I enjoyed every bit of life I imagined.
Because he was there and I knew it
[Come Anima Mai- by Rossana Soldano]

Hey guys! I know I haven't posted a lot in these last 10 days, I'm so sorry!  I had a lot of deadlines for work and it took me a LONG time to make this comic.  I think it took me more than three weeks to finish it. I was very inspired by this scene in the book, I felt the impatience and the fear of Lewis ( the blond guy) and I tried to recreate the same emotions I had while reading the book.

I know most of you can't read "Come Anima Mai" as there is no English translation, but I hope you enjoy the comic despite that ... even if you don't know the characters! :)

Anyway don't worry, I'll be back to do all my usual fanarts and original arts! :)



Valentina La Rosa

mi hai fatto venire un sacco di voglia di leggerlo XD