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And here are the winners of the December monthly poll: Remus and Tonks!

Sorry for the delay, unfortunately in the last few days I have not been well, I got the flu (luckily it wasn't covid) but I still had to stay a few days in bed!
Anyway guys,  I don't know if I'll be able to do a new art before the end of the year,  Sooooo I  want to thank you all for being with me all this time.
To those who have been here since the beginning, to those who have only been here for a few months, and to those who have just arrived, I want to say:  THANK YOU SO MUCH.
your support this year has been invaluable and your enthusiasm has given me the strength to continue producing designs even when I was at the end of my strength. 

Really, Thank you very much. 

I really hope you'll be with me on this journey for a little while longer.

Happy new Years Guys!
I love you all! <3
