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First of all, this will NOT influence the current commissions in progress I have been postponing this for a longer time than I wanted, wedged through way too many panic attacks but I think it is really time for me to talk about this. As many of you may know sometimes my schedule goes absolutely insane based on commissions coming from tiers, as well as private comms, and the last couple months were starting to get so insane that I ended up working on too many projects at the same time, not only slowing the upload rate but also putting me into quite difficult position based on how poorly I have made the tiers, nearly burning myself out completely.

The Tiers:

The tiers themselves has been running like this since I ever started on Patreon and by now I start to realize how poorly I have made some of them. So, I will have to really rework them to keep everything in check. The biggest issue that I brought on myself was possibly underpricing hard, as sometimes it can happen that I end up working on big project worth 1 to 2 weeks of sheer work time only. Also, I come to the decision of making the switch from SFM to Blender for better quality hyper content, a thing I’m still nowhere close to master, is a whole lot more complicated to create and render. This little machine has been working stupid hard and desperately needs an upgrade soon. I try to bring out 6k or even 8k resolution pics, but that won’t happen before I get a new GPU... Simply said when I made these tiers in the first place, I did not know how much time some commissions can take compared to what I expected. That and Blender happened.

The Rework Idea:

-$1: Access to all releases, except the mothly poll renders

- $5: stays as it is, you gain discord access, witch includes WIP stuff and the easiest way to message me directly.

-$15: Have access to a monthly poll witch will result in a blender image featuring the model YOU choose. Said image will be only available to the 15 and 25 tier patrons+10% commission discount.

-$25:  1 monthly free blender image, access to polls, access to discord, all of it, and +20% commission discount




Why do I love sombra in the image so much here XD. Also good luck with the tier changes!


Hell yea! This is a lot easier on you for sure! Next month I'll be back up to max!