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So with all those glitches and troubles i had all the way till the end i can happily say that its done for now. Maybe one day i will continue on this some more cause i know that its short but i did all i could with fixing the glitches, this video really shown me how SFM can still punch me to the face real hard. x.x

I had to scrap the cockvore ending since the models started act strangely in the end, still trying to find the reason of it

But hey its RELEASED!


Multicocked Date - Googledrive 

Multicocked Date - Pornhub

Multicocked Date - Download 




Excellent work, You really should do more with the cock stealing. It was a great additive and used the them of absorbing others to increase her own size. Could be done 'A La Highlander' with the characters.


Well i have been considering cockvore lately but who knows :P Sounds like a great idea though!


Nice, really like!


Too bad about nixing out the ending, but here's to hoping you can maybe make that part separate some other time when you figure out the issue!