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Here's my tutorial on imposter syndrome, this time with subtitles baked in! Apologies for being late with this - normally patreon auto-generates subtitles and I figured those would work well for this video, but I was surprised to see that there weren't any when I was done uploading! So I'm uploading it separately as I usually do. 

Be sure to read the description of the first video post for more information about the tutorial, as well as a cheat sheet that summarizes a lot of the info from the video. Hope you enjoy it ❤




Hey Loish! My understanding is that you started creating the subtitled version of these because Patreon didn't add subtitles in their videos, but recently they added that feature - all videos can have subtitles. I'm not sure if you're aware of that so wanted to call it out just in case you could save the extra work every month. Cheers!


Thanks so much, Clarissa! I am so relieved to hear that because it is definitely a pain to upload two videos every month 😅

Oh Lila

My god, this video is so helpful. Thank you for this. My experience reflects a lot with what you said. For exemple, I used to stop drawing during the sketch phase because "it wasn't good enough". And so, I believed I couldn't make good art. And that was partialy true, right, since I stoped before strying to make it better. Later, I stumbled upon a tumblr post saying "do it. If you're scared, do it scared. But do it anyway." And I tried. It was painful, but so worth it. Now I keep drawing even when I don't like what I'm drawing. Even when I'm scared. And as I go, I wonder "how would I make it better? Why don't I like it?" The more I do that, the easier it gets. So yeah, I wish to all my fellow artist friends to find the strengh to "do it scared."


It coincides with a dream I had last night. In the dream, I muster the courage to tell my drama class teacher that I'm willing to do the final project as to dance with music in front of the class for an A+ if I could train myself for 3 days before Friday. Then I woke up. I didn't get the chance to do it. I wonder.


Thank you so much for this video. I cried at least twice thinking “oh, I’m NOT the only one who feels this way.” That means a lot and I really hope this helps other people realize we’re all humans and just trying our best. ❤️


Thank you so much, Walt! I really think that that’s why it’s so important to talk about these sort of topics. Especially as someone that others look up to to learn from. We really have to normalize talking about this experience of struggling with our self-esteem as artists!


That is a really valuable perspective. It was a bit of an eye-opener for me to realize that you can still do things even while you are scared. The fear tells you to stop doing it, but it isn’t actually true that you have to stop. And if you listen to that fear for too long, then your experiences get to limited and then you can’t challenge the fears that you’re dealing with. It sounds like you’ve made some incredible steps in overcoming the anxieties that you feel while drawing! That’s definitely something to be proud of.

Oh Lila

Thank you. Your tutorials and art and videos helped a lot. <3


I never thought about having impostor syndrome because I always thought that I had no reason to do it, as you said I have always felt that my art is not enough, I have always thought that I have not yet reached the level that I should with my experience and despite being aware that I'm good, I feel stuck at this point where I just don't know what to do, I feel like everyone is getting better except me, when you talked about being enough, it made me cry because I do think about how hard I've worked to get to where I am but I never felt like I should really appreciate it, then you said I didn't need to prove my worth to anyone and it really touched my heart, I always try to prove to myself how good I am and most of the time I don't succeed and I think "it's okay", I'm trying to get out of this cycle where I feel like I'm sinking deeper and deeper and I sometimes wonder if it's really my world. I'll never give up but I feel lost. I'm trying to find my own voice but so far I can't find it.


I love this! Thank you 💖💖💖


That sounds rough and also like a familiar story because I have been there too. Sometimes we just don’t really have the answers yet and we need to wait until we find the helpful information we need. Try to be gentle on yourself in the meantime! You can’t objectively quantify skill. It means something different to everyone. It’s not a race ♥️


Thank you so much for this!! Honestly would love these types of videos from time to time as it's nice to know many have similar journeys.. I got teary eyed on couple parts of this vid tbh..as I re-assess my art and coming to the realization that I may never get the chance to work with a studio...I dunno. BUT I also realized that I can always create art and improve and keep it in my life always. And who knows, MAYBE it will catch a studios/projects attention :) Let's be kind to ourselves 🖤


That is so true. Thank you so much!


Yes! Agreed. It can be good to set high goals for the future, but it’s more important to have attainable ones in the short term!


I also avoided driving for years as well, so when you mentioned that this video became very real all of a sudden. You genuinely helped me realize some stuff about myself I didn't know existed, thank you for this. Super insightful.


I thought that I was not affected by impostor syndrome, since art is not my job (it is more of a "serious hobby"). But when I watched the video, I discovered that I had all the symptoms! It was very insightful, thank you very much!


I hope you find it helpful! I think imposter syndrome can happen at any level, also if you consider something a hobby.


I’m so happy to hear that! And yay for overcoming driving anxiety 🙌 it’s such a metaphor for other things in life!