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Hey there everyone and welcome to a brand new roadmap post, in which I will tell you a little bit about the progress for the upcoming few mods!

Vanilla Recycling Expanded has entered beta testing. So far, the feedback has been positive - it's not completely bonkers or OP, but it's always hard to balance a mod that lets you turn waste resource into useful resources, so we're trying to stay on top of making sure it's not only fun, but also balanced. You can check what's coming in that mod in a separate devblog post where I have showcased all the infographics!

Vanilla Exploration Expanded is waiting it's turn, and I'm still coming up with new prop ideas. I want to make sure that the world will feel a bit 'lived in', with some really cool prefabs scattered everywhere.

Vanilla Aspirations Expanded is being coded right now. This mod I am really looking forward to: anything that gives your colonists more personality is a good mod in my books.

We are simultanously developing two remaining Vanilla Races Expanded mods: Insector and Pigskin. Insector will introduce a brand new customizable type (not entirely xenotype). You will be able to select positive evolutions and a similar number of negative devolutions to customize different insector castes, and then at will change your colonists into the desired caste. This should allow you to have a hive-like colony that adapts to any conditions it needs.

Pigskin on the other hand will expand on the existing germline of the Pigskins. Thanks to your feedback, we have quite a few cool genes planned for them, but don't hesitate to check out the latest Typical Tuesday Suggestions thread on Patreon to let us know what genes would be 'cool', 'based' or even 'dope' for Pigskins!

Vanilla Temperature Expanded has also been developed quite a bit - I have a clear direction now where I want to take the mod, and I want to ensure it becomes a lightweight quality of life mod that everyone will want to use from now on.

Vanilla Factions Expanded - Megacorps is continuously growing. I have designed quite a few new technological things you can research and get, and make quite a lot of new art assets for it, but I don't want to spoil anything so you will have to wait for our Patreon-exclusive Ultratechnology deep dive coming soon, when everything is ready.

The development of all Vehicle Expanded mods, including the upgrade system for Tier 1 vehicles, is currently halted, as Roolo, Smash Phil and I are releasing our own game: Cursed Crew, this month. This means Smash Phil doesn't have the time to work on more Vehicles for me, and our focus is instead on ensuring that we release a banging new indie game for everyone to enjoy.

You can wishlist Cursed Crew on Steam to be notified when it's out!


Thank you all for tuning in and I will be with you soon with some more development blogs. And thank you all very much for your continuous support: Without you, we would not be where we are. You are the best audience one could hope for.

See ya!




This looks amazing, so stoked! Really excited about childhood expanded, is there anywhere I can read a bit more about that upcoming mod?


Since the mod isn’t in development yet, we haven’t drafted up the scope of it, and as such haven’t provided any information anywhere. All I can say is it will make the child care more engaging!

Super Epic1908

Any idea on what diplomacy expanded will entail? That’s the one I’m the most curious about.