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Hello everyone!

We have launched a brand new platform for reporting bugs related to Vanilla Expanded mods.

From now on, we will NOT be accepting any bug reports anywhere outside of that Google Form.

Please make sure you submit your bug reports, whenever you catch any, using that form, because I worked very hard on it haha!

Happy new year everyone and I will see you very soon with some amazing development blog!


Vanilla Expanded Bug Reporting

While our team always aims to release mods with no bugs, and each mod goes through the testing process, sometimes, some bugs slip through. They can either be caused by a fault of our own, or due to a bad interaction between two or more mods.


Dimitry Minchenkov

Oh wow, at this pace VE team would need a dedicated Service Delivery manager soon) Keep up the great job! btw, what should I report or where to donate to get an update and/of continuation of Rim-Effect? Yeah, I know - the target audience is not that big, but still T_T


Can I report the entirety of VFE: Insectoids for bugs? It's swarming with 'em! :D