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Hey everyone!

Testing of our new addition to Vanilla Races Expanded series is wrapping up, and I have prepared Steam infographics that depict everything the mod has to offer.

The mod should release shortly - give us a few days to wrap everything up!

Recycling-wise, we have hit a small slowdown, but I'm still optimistic about the release before Christmas break. We are also preparing the new update for Tier 3 vehicles, adding Burya and Goliath vehicles.

Anyway, I know what you're here for. Here are the Lycanthrope infographics:

I hope this mod can give you quite a lot of new, exciting genes to make your own xenotypes. The Morphing is really cool, and it should lead to excellent stories in the game. Remember: Lycans are just an example of how this gene can be utilised. I'm sure you will be able to explore your badass ideas - all those Hulks that change upon taking damage etc.

I will see you soon with a release post, and potentially some update in regards to Recycling expanded!



So if we want to make a new xenotype to morph into, it has to be added more directly to the game, as a mod, not just by making a custom a xenotype in the editor?


Correct, but I believe there’s a mod that turns custom xenotypes into ‚mod-added ones’


Does morphing "nest"? I.e., could you have a xenotype with Adulthood Morphing, which upon reaching adulthood morphs into a xenotype with Seasonal Morphing? (And then maybe the xenotype it morphs into has Nocturnal Morphing??)


Sadly it does not. The first morph condition is always dominant. There’s no way to make the system capable of nesting them.