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Hey folks, hello everyone! 

We have just finished coding a brand new mod that will soon be released. It's currently in testing, and we're trying to find all the pesky bugs!

This path was actually inspired by one of you guys, a patron by the name of LE!

They approached me a year and a half ago with an idea for a secret imperial circle of psycasters called Puppeteers, and I admit I did take it quite slow - usually it takes us less than a year and a half to release a mod. But hey, we're here now!

I really liked the idea of having a Psycaster become essentially an evil Lich, forcing people into servitude while enhancing the evil psycaster. This feels very on-brand with the recent release of Baldurs Gate 3 - as puppeteer does oddly feel a lot like an Ilithid!

Many of psycasts that come in the Puppeteer path are directly related to puppets - you can increase the amounts of puppets, teleport them around, surround yourself with all your meatshields, detonate them, killing everything in radius and turning them into Psycasting XP, as well as swap bodies with your puppets, making your psycaster live forever.

Below you can see the full list of Psycasts that come in this path:

LE, sorry it took so long, but we're finally here and honestly this is one of the coolest paths we've done so far.

See you all soon with Vehicle Tier 3 teasers!



but imperials are so hard to get and then it's even harder to give them a psycast because they can't be natural


Zombie horde, please!


This looks very good, I am exicted to try this psypath out.


Could call it Lich… alternatively, they can sleep most of the time until a raid. They experience the wrath of someone who wishes to rest eternally having that get interrupted.


I might pick this up for my long Empire > Deserter > Empire run I have already started and will stop soon to wait for deserters. I am basically starting with the Empire scenario where my main pawn's parents got killed, she escaped the manor, lived in hiding for a while, then joins the deserters with the secret goal to destroy them from within and then after the imperial offer you get at the end rejoins the empire to become a high ranking noble. Being so manipulative, this is a perfect psycast path for her, so thanks for adding it.


Would this work on un-awakened androids as well, preventing them from awakening? Or would they still awaken, but have whatever personality they develop be overridden by the puppet condition?