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Hey folks and welcome to a brand new roadmap update for Vanilla Expanded mods. I use these posts to let you know what we're working on and what our priorities are, as well as give you a quick peek into what the future of VE holds.

I'm very excited about the fact that we seem to be working through the planned content list at quite a reasonable pace. Can't really help ourselves, as the currently planned mods are all very exciting.

To give you a summary of what's happening right now:

We're still waiting for Vehicles framework to release in order to get Vanilla Vehicles Expanded out to you. As far as I know, since Cursed Crew update is getting released soon, Phil will work on the Framework after.

Vanilla Events Expanded - Caravan has 14 different events designed already, but it's nowhere near what I expect from the final release, so whenever I have the time, I design new events for it.

Vanilla Factions Expanded - Deserters is undergoing testing right now. So far the mod seems to work very well, with very little bugs. If all goes well, it might be released in July. After it's done, Legodude will work on Animat path which many of you have requested.

Sarg is taking a short break from Vanilla Races Expanded series after delivering the Highmates, and who can blame him. He is currently working on my new idea for a mod I bet everyone will love: Vanilla Plants Expanded - Mushrooms. The goal is to add plenty of new, unique ways to obtain certain resources in the dark caves of your tunneller bases.

After that's done, he will continue work on Vanilla Races Expanded - Lycanthrope which features an extremely tricky to code gene: morphing. This gene will allow a pawn of a specific xenotype to morph into a different xenotype. You will be able to have Baseliners morphing into Lycanthropes, but also Highmates morphing into Hussars etc.

I'm also still designing Vanilla Temperature Expanded which proves to be a very complex mod under the hood, so I'm trying to simplify it wherever I can for ease of usage.

Vanilla Furniture Expanded - Recycling is currently paused because we already have quite a few projects open.

That's it for this roadmap update. We're very excited about the future, and I want to once again give my appreciation to everyone who chooses to support us - be it on Patreon, but also by just spreading the word about our mods. Without you we would not be here, and it brings me great pleasure to drop cool mods on you and see how you react to them.

I will see you all soon with more development blogs, and potentially exciting surveys and polls!




Hey Oskar, how is the development for tier 3 and tier 4 vehicles coming along? Do you expect them to be released around the same time as vehicle framework, or are these two mods on the back burner?


Looking forward to these! Request for Caravans: when pawns encounter a caravan on the world map, it'd be great to have an option for telling them "I can't buy that right now but you should go visit my town so we can buy it there".


I cannot wait for Vanilla Temperature Expanded!


As can be seen on the roadmap, tier 4 is not even started, at all. Other than a few ideas in my head, no work has been done on it. Tier 3 has all the art done, and we will soon proceed with coding the vehicles.


Sarg as always making great races


So I had a few questions about the transformation mechanic. Will it be an expensive xenogerm, or will it have a low cost? Once a pawn transforms, will things like implants or even VFE Ancients superpowers transfer from one form to another, or could both forms have their own? Considering this will be a lycanthrope themed mod, will the transformation xenogerm be automatic, like in the event of a full moon or a violent mood break, or might there be a second xenogerm that is exclusive to lycanthropes that would force this kind of behavior? Will we have complete control over when transformations occur and will there be a time limit for how long the pawn remains in its second form, or will there be a time limit, and if so, if we were to end it early, would that lower the cooldown rate till it could change again, or would we have to wait the full cooldown limit? Sorry for the wall of text, and thanks again for all you guys do in spite of working on your own game. Enjoy the rest of your day.


Implants and Superpowers are not genes, so they will transfer. Morphing is as simple as changing the xenotype. Nothing else changes. We're still ironing everything out on paper so I can't really give you more information. Right now I have it down as 'transform whenever you want by pressing a button', but there are also genes such as 'nocturnal transformation' which takes away the button and just forces transformation at night.


that morphing gene gives me ideas... a very small pawn that turns massive when fighting needs to be done, like the Cresecendo Anole from alpha animals. You guys are doing absolutly amazing work thank you for everything so far and for what may come in the future


Thanks for the update Oskar, I look forward to these future releases.


the VE team is honestly inspiring. We appreciate y’all’s work a lot


will Warwalkers use the vehicle framework?


Question on warwalkers, is the plan to just have it as "Build yours fresh"? Or has the thought of allowing salvaged bits and pieces to be repaired for use (Meaning all the "junk" around the map, legs, torsos, etc) been tossed around at all internally?


The mod is potentially a year away. We’re not quite at the design stage. First we have to set up the technology to even allow warwalkers to work.


What's the idea behind diplomacy expanded? I'm most excited for that one as honestly there aren't a ton of mods that work on the overworld/factions so I'm curious to what yall have in mind


We want the factions to feel more like factions, and less 'pay yayo and we are friends'.