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Hello everyone and welcome to another mod development blog!

Among other releases, we have also been working on the new module for Vanilla Psycasts Expanded - a Hemosage.

Our idea for hemosage is to make it a support path that works in tandem with other paths. Furthermore, it has quite a few crowd control psycasts. While it's not super deadly, the abilities can disable big groups of enemies easily, allowing you to pick them off with other colonists, or simply use other, more deadly psycasts to wipe them out.

One of the most powerful abilities in Hemosage arsenal is being able to add the current percentage of hemogen to psychic sensitivity. This means that a fully fueled sanguophage psycaster will have a whopping +100% psychic sensitivity!

The mod is now entering the testing stage, so I'd like to use this moment to share the infographics. If all goes well, it should release within a few days.

For obvious reasons it requires both Royalty DLC and Biotech DLC.

I can't wait to release the mod for all of you to see! Not long now! After it's out, we will do a poll which paths to work now (except Animat as that's currently locked in development until Deserters is finished).

See you soon!



This gives psychic vampire to a whole new meaning


Oh man I was hoping for some stingy eyes laser beams


Already thinking of all the wild builds you could make with this addition. Can’t wait! Would be cool to see a melee-range psycast added too. An AoE cleave around the caster maybe. Could have it reward hemogen on kill and even cost it to cast or something.


Looks rally cool. Are psycasts based on current hemogen level or max level? And I think for some psycasts it would make sense to use flat amount of hemogen.


Is Close Wounds just a more efficient Coagulate?


That's what it looks like to me. Just shifts the cost from hemogen to psyfocus. If so, I'd use the hell out of that. Coagulate has saved key pawns so many times.


Looks like bloodmist is a core mechanic of the tree. Are sanguophages immune to the debuff in general or only from Bloodstorm where it's called out?


Coagulate actually heals, Close wounds only stops bleeding but damage still needs tending to heal.


Now that is just bloody.


Any special interaction with Bloodlust, Psychopath or similar traits?


Nope. Even if you like blood, you probably don’t like to choke on it and don’t have the best experience when it’s blocking your airways.


Can confirm. Love the taste of blood. Do not love aspirating blood. Even when it's your own blood it's a very unpleasant experience.