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Hey everyone and welcome to a brand new development blog.

Someone suggested to me that we should make Eltex Staff customizable, similar to how Vanilla Persona Weapons Expanded allows us to customize plasma swords, zeushammers, monoswords and now also toxblades.

Not a bad idea, I figured, but there is a slight hiccup! Eltex Staff doesn't have a persona weapon variant. Of course, we can easily change it.

In fact, not only the upcoming update to Vanilla Persona Weapons Expanded will add customizable Eltex Staff, it will also give an additional perk to having an Eltex Staff with a persona built in: A single psycast can be imbued in the staff.

Similar to how Psyrings work in Vanilla Psycasts Expanded, a Persona Eltex Staff can have a psycast imbued in it, allowing the user of this staff to cast this psycast without having to unlock it.

This means that when you reach the rank of a baron, you can choose to receive an Eltex Staff, and then not only select the type of Persona on it, but also a Psycast that will be imbued in it.

You will still need to be a psycaster. The Psycast will still cost neural heat and psyfocus to cast. But at least you don't need to unlock it!

Whilst it's only a small bonus for vanilla users, as the psycast selection is weak and limited, it's a huge boon for users of Vanilla Psycasts Expanded - you will be able to choose a psycast from the entire selection of psycasts in the mod. Do you need your baron to be able to reverse engineer stuff? Pick Reverse Engineer! Have some of your family members perished in the recent combat? Pick Resurrect!

You don't need to meet level requirements of psycasts unlocked this way. You can literally select any psycast in the mod, including those from locked paths, such as wildspeaker or archotechist.

Just like before, the customization of the Eltex Staff consists of:

x15 different Staff graphics

x15 different Head graphics

x15 different Crystal graphics

And just like before, I'd like to give you guys and gals the ability to name them. So, I will post the graphics with numbers below, and you can simply write fitting names for them.

I will catch you soon with some more information about our upcoming mods and plans!



I'm playing a Psycaster/Royalty/Vampire playthrough focused playthrough right now and these will definitely fit right in. Thank you, it's awesome! As a minor nitpick: Choosing through over a hundred psycasts may be too powerful and time consuming. Maybe an option to pick one at random or 'reforge' a staff to get a new one would be better.


I think it balances itself quite well considering: - You need to reach a rank of a Baron in the Empire - You forfeit the choice of a monosword, plasma sword or zeushammer in favor of an eltex staff - It only works on that one colonist since it's a persona weapon. It can't be equipped by anyone else. - The Psycast still costs neural heat and psyfocus. Even getting a level 5 psycast still has the same costs and penalties for using it. So technically speaking, in the most min-max scenario, you skip 5 psycast levels with a staff. For example: Resurrect, a very powerful psycast, is only 5 levels away from you at all times. - The Staff is created in the Persona forge of the Empire specifically for you, it would make sense that they can imbue anything into it. - People hate random. People love choice. The mod that disables the 'first path being randomly chosen' in Vanilla Psycasts Expanded has almost as many subscribers as Psycasts Expanded itself.


Thank you for the answer! I absolutely agree that people hate full blown randomness and love choice. That being said, I think giving some agency is often better than allowing to min-max. Before psycast expanded, one of the most popular psycast mods was giving the players a choice between N psycasts on levelup. Your other points make total sense though and I think the current plan is already in a solid spot. PS: When it comes to psycast expanded, I usually set myself the goal to finish the first random tree (or unlocking the top skill at least), before picking a second one.


Only naming suggestion I have is #1 should be called sophian, it looks just like the honor symbol!


Persona weapons cannot be used by anyone not bonded to them, and that bond persists even in death


Yeah my brain shitted itself


I’ll be honest, I misread the title as “Persona Eltex Slaves” which gave a very different impression of what this mod was about.


Where vehicles. /s Thanks for all y'all's work on these. You're killing it.


Shiiiiny. The "More Persona Traits" mod also adds a persona eltex staff - wouldn't be the first time there were two different items with the same name, just so long as it doesn't break anything running both.


Head #6: the "Terry". Because a wizard's staff has a knob on the end.


Heads: 1. Persia, 2. Montague. 3. Draco, 4. Arma, 5. Bishop, 6. Vesta, 7. Corona, 8. Spire, 9. Stellar, 10. Capulet, 11. Orbule, 12. Katryna, 13. Pinnacle, 14. Scion, 15. Zephyr Staves: 6. Bulbo, 15. Wicket

John Anderson

Tragically I'll never get to use these on my deserter playthrough, but seeing these less useful weapons improved does make me happy. The Customizable persona weapons mod is absolutely a must have for me.