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Hello everyone and welcome to a brand new development blog.

My Covid is getting better, so I'm slowly getting back to speed.

Today, I'd like to tell you about Android Awakening. It's quite a unique system, inspired by Detroit: Become Human.

It's absolutely one of the best games I ever played, with the most compelling, heart-gripping story, wonderfully built characters and emotional payload that will have you sit down and contemplate every choice and decision, and I recommend it to every single one of yous. It's worth whatever they're asking for it.

We wanted to introduce some aspects of it to RW. When you build your own Androids, they are not sentient. They follow their code, and will do anything you ask them without hesitation. They will not suffer mental breaks, they will not engage in chats with your colonists, they are more or less tools, machines designed to keep the colony running.

Being Androids, they have a huge amount of upsides. Working tirelessly without the need to sleep and eat, and without mood, is probably what everyone secretely desires.

This, however, does not mean you can abuse them. You also can't show them too much of a good time. Whilst Androids do not have a visible mood, and their mood does not result in mental breaks, that mood is still tracked.

If the mood goes too low for too long, or too high, you might encounter something called Android Awakening.


Android Awakening is a new special mechanic, similar to that in Detroit: Become Human, or Westworld, where an Android becomes sentient and finds out about their ‘humanity’. This essentially turns Androids into Human pawns, whilst keeping all the Android benefits.

Awakened Android is still an Android per se - they still bleed blue neutroamine, they still have the same needs and mental breaks and health conditions that normal androids do.

When androids awake, following hardware gets permanently removed from them:

  • Joy Disabled - Awakened androids will now require joy.
  • Beauty Disabled - Awakened androids will now be negatively affected by ugly surroundings.
  • Comfort Disabled - Awakened androids will now feel discomfort.
  • Outdoors Disabled - Awakened androids will hate being indoors for too long.
  • Drug Desire Disabled - Awakened androids might want to conform to taking drugs if the colony likes to take drugs. They will still receive no effect of drugs.
  • Room Size Disabled - Awakened androids will be affected by the size of the room they're in.
  • Pain Disabled - Awakened androids will now feel pain, and can go into pain shock to preserve their vital functions.
  • No skill gain - Awakened androids will now gain skills, but also lose skills.
  • Uninspired - Awakened androids can now receive inspirations.
  • Mental breaks disabled - Awakened androids have mood, and can go on the same mental breaks human pawns can.
  • Psychology disabled - Awakened androids can talk with other colonists, and develop relations with them, including romantic relations.

Awakened Androids can no longer become ‘unawakened’. Once they awaken, they are essentially a human pawn, without most of the needs that make humans difficult to manage.

Awakened Androids can no longer be willing to enter behaviorist station - which means you can't override their subroutines. If you still want to override their subroutines, you need to arrest them.

Android can awaken through two different scenarios.

Low Mood Awakening

If an Android has extremely low mood (0% - 5%), there is a very small chance that the Android will awaken through low mood. A following red letter is then displayed:

Label: <NameOfAndroid> awakening.

Description: <NameOfAndroid> broke away from their programming due to an extremely low mood. They developed thoughts and behaviors that deviate from their intended function. They started recognizing themselves as a being with consciousness and personhood.

They will now refuse behavioral adjustments and will start recognizing their mood as more than just part of their programming. They can now learn skills by themselves. They will also be able to go on mental breakdowns if their mood is too low - just like humans do.

As the awakening happened due to low mood, <NameOfAndroid> has lashed out into a berserk mental break and will attack anyone that comes close.

What happens?

The Android that awakens due to low mood goes into a berserk mental break. After it passes, or they get knocked out, they remain in the colony.

Please note: Androids with Violence Incapability subroutine have the Violence Incapable subroutine removed from them when they enter the Low Mood Awakening.

High Mood Awakening

If an Android has extremely high mood (95% - 100%), there is a very small chance that the Android will awaken through high mood. A following blue letter is then displayed:

Label: <NameOfAndroid> awakening.

Description: <NameOfAndroid> broke away from their programming due to extreme happiness. They developed thoughts and behaviors that deviate from their intended function. They started recognizing themselves as a being with consciousness and personhood.

They will now refuse behavioral adjustments and will start recognizing their mood as more than just part of their programming. They can now learn skills by themselves. They will also be able to go on mental breakdowns if their mood is too low - just like humans do.

As the awakening happened due to high mood, <NameOfAndroid> has gained an inspiration.

What happens?

The Android that awakens due to high mood receives an inspiration of a random type that fits their skills.

I have prepared a little infographic showing how the Awakening works:

You, as a user, get to make your own mind if Awakened Android is an upgrade or a downgrade. I guess it all depends how you look at it - they become more or less human, with everything that comes from humanity, whilst keeping their mechanics still in the Android realm. They will still need part replacements, they will still bleed blue neutroamine, they still don't need to sleep or eat. The question is: will you allow your androids to awaken? Or will you destroy any deviant synthetics?



Can they be recycled to make a new one if we are against the awakening?


You may force them to behaviorist station and slap the Anti-Awakening Protocols subroutine on them.


Ah it’s good to hear you’re returning, even slowly, to fighting shape! Awakening is a real cool concept; I really like the idea of androids becoming sentient in media. This is going to be a fun mechanic to play around with. Maybe like a colony led by a group of escape awakened androids with a goal of rescuing and awakening other androids? The colony ideas are swimming man! A meme like emancipation but for awakening would be sick. Would come with an Awakening ritual instead maybe? Definitely seems more of an Alpha meme thing though.


Is hardware removal instantaneous or it happens over time. It would be cool if androids learn about their humanity over a span of couple of season and not in one single moment. I'm thunking about adding heddif which slowly removes one random hardware after random period.


So that removes the awakening then, I assume? Since the awakening says that it cannot be removed


I assume there is no such thing as a hard reset, allowing us to completely reset the android and thus make it unfeeling again?


Do androids that awaken gain passions, or are they forever passionless?


If an android dies will it trigger the same "Colonist died" mood penalty in your other pawns?


I can imagine a scenario where the body purist would lay on a siege of killing all the awakened androids. "PURGE THEM" kinda. Still, this is a cool concept though.


That depends on your ideology towards Androids, but without Ideology, Awakened Androids will trigger that, non-awakened won't.


I think this will be a neat Addition to the solo Mechanist Start. Will it work with the "I like a Small number of people in the colony" - characteristic?


There is a subroutine specifically designed to prevent androids from being counted towards the colonist amount, so definitely look into coding that into your androids.


The human element is what makes RimWorld ; it's inclusion with this mod is just the thing it needs. ❤️


i’m so excited for this! seems like a lot of fun

Ian Napier

Looking forward to all of this, didn't expect them to look human to be honest.


I recommend this great article: https://grammarist.com/usage/robot-android-or-droid/ I quote: "Android: This is a humanoid robot or intelligent machine designed to resemble a human. Or, at least, human-like in both appearance and behavior. They can have facial expressions and human movements, and look like a real person with a human body. Think of the character Data from Star Trek: The Next Generation, or any of the robots from the uber-realistic movie “Ex Machina.”" Our main inspiration were Bladerunner, Westworld, Detroit: Become Human, Ex Machina and indeed Data from Star Trek. All resembling humans to the point where you can't tell a difference.


Do unawakened androids have an ideology or will they just follow the base game beliefs before being awakened?


They have an ideology but have no mood. So even not meeting ideological demands won’t make them sad…. Or will it? :))))


Great to hear you're getting better, Oskar! :)