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Hello everyone and welcome!

I come to you with great news! I'd like to really briefly interrupt your schedules Deserters Expanded transmission by telling you about our plans for expansion of another vanilla game xenotype - Wasters!

Wasters are currently more of a nuisance than an actual playable xenotype. They have their silly toxic resistance, but the need to consume yayo (or psycho-tea) makes them incredibly difficult to manage. I just don't feel like there is enough benefits to them, certainly not enough to warrant their upkeep.

Furthermore, it does feel to me that they don't really have the genes that represent 'a human xenotype living in the nuclear wasteland'. I mean, where are the mutations? Where is their uniqueness?

The goal of the Waster mod is to expand on the content of wasters, ensuring they are unique and played differently than other xenotypes. We will do it by adding a mutation system, which guarantees that each waster is entirely unique.

Each Waster will have between 1 and 3 random mutations that completely change the way wasters are played, and makes each character entirely unique. Mutations range from cosmetic changes to actual drawbacks or boons. Below is a few examples:


This mutation makes the pawn sweat thick acid. It has the following effects:

  • Pawn will leave acid filth wherever they are every 2 ingame hours.
  • Apparel equipped by this pawn takes 3 HP twice a day.


This pawn has an additional eye in the middle of their face. This eye is rendered on the pawn’s head. It provides the following bonus:

Additional eye hediff - Sight increased by 50%.


Arms of this pawn have atrophied heavily, making them extremely weak and easy to destroy, whilst also greatly affecting manipulation.

  • The HP of both arms is changed from 30 to 10.
  • Manipulation of the pawn lowered by 50%.


This gene is cosmetic only. Forehead of the pawn is adorned with bony crest.


This gene is cosmetic only. The eyes of this pawn are protruding on two, crab-like stalks.


Gains up to Injury healing factor ×400% when exposed to pollution. It scales all the way from 100% to 400% depending on the pollution, similar to Pollution Stimulus.


Pregnancy with this pawn as either parent is guaranteed to be at least twins. There is also 10% chance for it to be triplets, 3% chance for it to be quadruplets and 1% chance for it to be quintuplets.


Carriers of this gene detonate like a boomalope upon death.

What do you guys think? Do you think it's what you're looking for with Wasters? Or is that a bit overboard and should be toned down?



-The acid excretion may be a bit too annoying to be enjoyable. -Th third eye sounds like a really cool aesthetic -The atrophied arms seems fitting, but it would completely turn a lot of people off from recruiting/playing as them. Maybe this could be a treatable or curable condition. That way, we would have some incentive to invest time into them and keep them around. -head crest sound good. And it matches their skeletal aesthetic -Eye stalks doesn't really make a lot of sense to me. Not a fan personally, but others may disagree. -Pollution regeneration is really fitting. Surprised that's not already vanilla. -Litterbirth is fine. That would be a fun gene to play with. -Boom death is interesting. I think that having them explode with toxic gas, at stink, or even spreading pollution would be nice, instead of generic boomalope fire.

John Anderson

I look forward to using these guys in my deserters playthrough. That being said I'm hesitant about really brutal negative mutations. I don't like wasters though. Maybe the negatives could have a mixed bag effect, or some way to remutate out of them? Having some really solid survival talents like maybe low food consumption or no need for sleep would make me more interested in using wasters. As I said, in my games I have just never had waster genetypes end up being worth using