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Hello everyone and welcome to a brand new development blog, this time focused on the new Vanilla Races Expanded module.

Phytokins are something we have wanted to do for a long time. It was actually one of the most requested things - both internally (our team) as well as in the community as a whole. A race of powerful psycasters, advisors of kings, similar to the sorcerers in the Witcher universe. They're not standard baseliners either - Phytokins are engineered to thrive on the forest planet of Phytok. They are half-human, half-tree. That's right.

Their barkskin makes them resistant to blunt trauma, their higher aptitude for farming combined with the Green Thumb gene makes them excellent with plants of any kinds, their inaptitude towards shooting and melee makes them poor warriors, but they more than make up for it with their ability to become insanely powerful psycasters.

They are a very rare subspecies of humans. They also reproduce through a unique way - A phytokin mother mates with a male of any xenotype, and once pregnant, plants a saplingchild - a small, cabbage-like plant that acts as an extension of the mother. The child born this way is an exact copy of the mother too, allowing you to have somewhat of an immortal Phytokin. I mean, it's not really an immortal Phytokin, but it's a copy of the mother, so you know, it's almost like cloning!

Here are the infographics:

Let me know what you think about what Phytokins have to offer, and what you're looking forward to the most!

I will catch you all very soon with a Release post!



I was ABOUT to start a tribal colony, im gonna wait for this! awesome


Would it be silly to turn one of these guys into a conflagerator?