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Hello beautiful people on this marvelous sunday! 

Today, I would like to show you what we plan to add/change in the Hussars Xenotype mod we're in the process of developing.

This mod expands on the content of Hussars, the genetically engineered warrior xenotype of Biotech DLC. Hussars are engineered soldiers. They fight aggressively and with precision, heal fast, thrive in extreme temperatures, and freely ingest military drugs. They have a genetic dependence on go-juice, which also makes them less likely to rebel against their commanders. While hussars' emotions make them dangerous in combat, they can't relate to baseliner humans. They are famous for their blood-red eyes and "hussar stare", a dead expression that unsettles many people. Their lack of expression and burning aggressive nature has led to many violent misunderstandings. In most societies where they live, hussars are kept separated from the rest of the population. Hussars are single-purpose tools - and they generally aren't bothered by the fact.

Our main inspiration was essentially Witchers from, well, you guessed it: The Witcher. Death stare, strong and reliable, skilled in every way, with no emotion and full loyalty to the one paying their bills. Did I just describe a perfect VE team member? Perhaps.


Our mod should add some new genes for Hussars.


Carriers of this gene have a greatly increased sense of duty and will never break down when drafted.

prefixSymbols: obedient, loyal, dutiful, steadfast, steady, composed

Complexity: 1
Metabolism: -1

This gene makes it so that mental breaks cannot trigger if a pawn is drafted. If the pawn is drafted and is meant to receive a mental break, it instead gets ‘remembered’ and happens as soon as the pawn undrafts.


Carriers of this gene have their skin reinforced by organic kevlar-like strands, allowing them to deflect smaller calliber bullets and only end up with bruises.

Prefix Symbols: kevlar
Suffix Symbols: resistant
Whole Name Symbols: bulletproof

Complexity: 1
Metabolism: -1

This gene allows the users to change any sharp damage with less than 20% armor penetration into blunt damage of equal value.


Carriers of this gene are slightly larger than baseline humans.

Complexity: 1

This gene simply increases the drawsize of the pawn with this gene by 10%, making them visually larger than other humans without this gene.


The carrier's aptitude in {0} is greatly reduced. Aptitude acts like an offset on hit chance and accuracy.

Effect: If melee: Melee Hit Chance -8, if ranged: Shooting Accuracy -10

Complexity: 1
Metabolism: 3

Uses the weapon tag system introduced in 1.3. Can be: Short shots, Long shots, Melee, RangedHeavy, RangedLight.


The carrier's aptitude in {0} is reduced. Aptitude acts like an offset on hit chance and accuracy.

Effect: If Melee: Melee Hit Chance -4, if ranged: Shooting Accuracy -5

Complexity: 1
Metabolism: 2

Uses the weapon tag system introduced in 1.3. Can be: Short shots, Long shots, Melee, RangedHeavy, RangedLight.


The carrier's aptitude in {0} is increased. Aptitude acts like an offset on hit chance and accuracy.

Effect: If Melee: Melee Hit Chance +4, if ranged: Shooting Accuracy +5

Complexity: 2
Metabolism: -1

Uses the weapon tag system introduced in 1.3. Can be: Short shots, Long shots, Melee, RangedHeavy, RangedLight.


The carrier's aptitude in {0} is greatly increased. Aptitude acts like an offset on hit chance and accuracy.

Effect: If Melee: Melee Hit Chance +8, if ranged: Shooting Accuracy +10

Complexity: 2
Metabolism: -3

Uses the weapon tag system introduced in 1.3. Can be: Short shots, Long shots, Melee, RangedHeavy, RangedLight.


Carriers of this gene move faster while clothed, and slower while naked.

If wearing clothes: +0.1 c/s movement speed

If naked: -0.2 c/s movement speed

Complexity: 1
Metabolism: 1

Can’t exist alongside Naked speed.


Carriers of this gene have thick skin, dense flesh, and durable bones, and take much less damage than other people from the same blows.

Prefix symbols: hard, tough, heavy, strong

Complexity: 1
Metabolism: -1

Forces Tough trait.


Below are the new items added in this mod.



A set of mechanical, spacer-tech, back-mounted wings that allow the user to propel themselves in the air and glide a short distance.

  • Research project required: Recon armor
  • Crafted on: Fabrication Bench
  • Resources required: 30 Plasteel, 3 Components, 50 Steel
  • Crafting skill required: 6
  • Worn on Waist utility slot.
  • Does not require any fuel.
  • 625 Market value.
  • Quality affects the distance of the Short Jump ability.
  • Grants the ‘Short jump’ ability which has a 15 second cooldown.
  • When worn, eliminates path cost from travelling on difficult terrain, such as stone chunks, mud etc.



Using hussar wings, propel yourself into the air and glide a short distance.

This ability allows your character to select any unroofed tile within the radius of 6.9.

This ability allows the players to literally jump over walls, provided the landing area is unroofed.

Pawn will then jump vertically in the air, and then slowly glide towards that location. This will probably need some custom animation to look good.

Sound cast: Longjump_Jump

Sound landing: JumpMechLand

warmupEffecter: JumpMechWarmupEffect

flightEffecterDef: JumpMechFlightEffect

As you can see, we don't want to make sweeping changes to the whole xenotype: I believe Tynan came up with pretty reasonable xenotypes, with unique characteristics and a place within RimWorld universe. What I aim to do is just to add to it, to make there xenotypes feel more unique and diversified, so they don't just feel like a baseliner with a few forced traits, but instead as a new race you need to play around and accomodate.

Let me know what you think of these additions, and if you like it, be sure to let me know as well. It's uncharted waters for VE, so we're really trying to see what the community expects.



I like most of the changes but like others have said, clothed speed is an odd one. What if they just ignored movement penalties from equipment instead? That might be even more OP but it could be balanced by the right metabolism cost


I'm conflicted about this: This isn't very flavorful, but a solid improvement to the vanilla hussars (other then the naked speed which should probably go away or changed as in above post), with the toughness and weapon aptitude additions feeling like fixed omissions from the vanilla. (well I feel thoughness should become 25% and robust 50% as well as 50% is kinda a lot for a non-modified human) But this indeed feels like an extension of vanilla and I don't really like the vanilla genemodding content (the genes themselves - the system is fine): Too much of it is 'forced vanilla variance' - as in a 'genemodded warrior' doesnt feel something like a (40k) space marine or (fallout) supermutant, because with few, often weak or cosmetic exceptions, they can be duplicated by non-genemodded pawns with training and lucky trait rolls. Not to mention lessen variance inside race. If the content isn't yet locked in, I'd love to focus on another part of the witchers and extend the combat drug angle. E.g. drugs that will kill anyone without the corresponding gene (or just the go-juice dependency), but with strong effects with heavy drawbacks. E.g. something like (would like to use witcher potion names, but they sound kind of unintuitive..): Hunter: Movement speed, darkvision (I assume that removes slower speed in darkness..?) and +25% weapon range for 3 hours at which point his rest bar is emptied (I assume this forces sleep? Intention to force wakeup for more thematic drug use or you know sleeping it off). Burnout: Ignore health effects (I mean stuff like infections, food poisoning or cryptosleep sickness - dunno how easy to implement), Combat boosts (firing/melee speed?), movement speed and the jump ability with very low cd for an hour, but then falls into coma for a day after it wears off and/or some additional after effects. MAD: As above, but even higher bonuses, ignore all health effects except destruction of the brain and missing limbs and berserk for 10 seconds. The drug can be taken again (with the autoinjector below) to refresh the timer, but the pawn dies when it eventually runs out. Could also simply put the pawn into a coma if death is too harsh, although it would still naturally die if it has sustained lethal damage when the 'ignore health effects'-thing wears off. Then either a utility item or an implant for an autoinjector with a very minor (mostly flavor) constant effect simulating a tiny drip feed of go-juice that fills go-juice dependency and will quickly give go-juice addiction for pawns not immune to it. Main use is to allow instant administration of go-juice and the above drugs (the pack will automagically keep MAD going after the first dose is taken until turned off - this would be really nice to be possible 'remotely' so you can (permanently) turn off your MAD hussars after the enemies are dead).