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Hello everyone and welcome to a big, grand beta of our biggest mod up to date - Vanilla Genetics Expanded.

Vanilla Genetics Expanded is an overhaul to a popular mod by Sarg Bjornson called Genetic Rim. The mechanics of the predecessor have been improved greatly to fit Vanilla Expanded playstyle, offering many new paths to explore in a mid to late game colony. You can now incubate unique hybrids using brand new genetic engineering system, utilising powerful boosters and genoframes to create animals stronger, smarter and quicker than anything you've ever seen. Stay vigilant though, as there is always a chance of an experiment failing, producing one of many new failure outcomes - such as cute and cuddly fleshlings, or powerful, ever-expanding fleshgrowth.

Venture out into the unknown with a new abandoned lab quest, procure equipment needed to continue experiments, breed paragon creatures - a real pinacle of bio-engineering, and in the end give life to an Archocentipede through a brand new path to end the game.

Vanilla Genetics Expanded introduces a Hybrid quality system, encouraging the player to create higher-quality hybrids which get improved stats across the board. Alternatively, focus on overwhelming the enemy with hordes of lower quality beasts. At the end of the day, it's all up to you.

With Ideology DLC, two new memes will allow you to explore different avenues of the bio-engineering path. Will you be a wicked scientist? Or will you follow things by the book?

The mod is vast, but we have decided to share the mod development document with you, so you can find out what really needs testing!


I'm sure some of you know about our Testing server, but some of you may not. If you'd like to help us squash bugs and balance the crap out of Vanilla Genetics Expanded, it's available now on that very testing server!

Remember to read and accept the rules!

I can't wait to meet you all there!




Cool, keep up the good work.


I wanted to ask why you didn't reply to my comment that I would like to offer new ideas for mods, I know they can be presented on your Discord server, but I have a Steel tier level so I can't do it, but maybe I'll write you my nickname from Discord and then I can offer you them (ideas)


I did reply to you via DM I believe, that you can use Typical Tuesday Suggestions thread to give mod suggestions (it is however for $5+ patrons). We generally have enough of our own ideas to make, you need to remember that our team has around 20 members and everyone has their own ideas, but if you have something truly groundbreaking in mind, send me a DM here on Patreon.


Super excited for this mod, cant belive its going to be your biggest to date. Do you guys have any ideas what could beat it?


Haha let us actually release it and then celebrate it before we seek out the next mountain to climb


Is it just me or I didn't see any mention of mechanoid hybrids in the documentation?


Oskar, Sarg, and the rest of the team making my favorite mod a reality again. I'm so pumped I've released all my prisoners in celebration!


This is a DLC sized mod.


Giving us the option of doing things by the book, so that we can throw out the book and really appreciate mad science? Excellent.


I take it that we have to be patient as well for the equine hybrids ? I just realized that space cowboys on mechahorses protecting boomfallo herds with their gauss magnums against chemshine imbibed bandits might just be an option.


I personally think the genoframes should have a color grading (the blue dot in the middle of the frame) showing its rarity at a glance. White (Awful), Green (Normal), Blue (Good), Purple (Excellent), Orange/Yellow (Masterwork), Red (Legendary)


This is wonderul, an old favorite of mine. I cannot wait for this. Thank you so much, and great work!


So excited for this! Really happy with all your other work, keep it up guys. :) One question: Do you plan on any integration with the Ancients? Love both concepts, and it would be cool if there were some synergies between the genetic engineering for each. But event without it's going to be super cool.


Hey guys, I was just wondering if you ever plan on adding any animals from your vanilla expanded series to this mod? I know that's a lot of animals and an insane amount of combinations, so I can't blame you if you didn't want to include. The 100+ hybrids you've already made is enormous. I am super excited about the release of this mod. I'm already planning my next playthrough where my colony is a genetic research site. You guys are the best.


You can already extract genomes from our animals - for example, beavers will give rodent genome, Hippos should give Colossal genomes etc. So, no unique hybrids, but definitely a way to utilise VE animals in hybrid-making process!


Oh, I see so the genomes are like categories, not per individual creature. That will make it much more manageable. Thanks for clarification.