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Hey folks, welcome to a new development blog.

I heard you lot like warcaskets, in fact I heard people saying it's one of the more clever things we came up with - I mean essentially a super power armor that you weld around the user? What not to like.

Except the current selection only covers industrial era. I was under the impression that Warcaskets are precursor to power armor - similar armor stats but bigger commitment, however available earlier in the game.

One of the more popular requests has been to add some spacer-era warcaskets, something superior, something end-game, whilst still keeping the unique drawbacks of warcaskets. With that in mind, I sat down and started drafting up new ideas for armors, as well as weapons - and not just Spacer tech weapons, but also industrial tech weapons that only become available if other Vanilla Expanded mods are present - you know, to promote getting other mods! And also because a laser minigun would look weird without the laser mod installed.

How about we all buckle up and go on a quick adventure to see what's coming next in Vanilla Factions Expanded - Pirates?


All Spacer tech warcasket suits have a built-in ranged shield belt. They have the highest armor in the game, whilst also providing full toxic and heat protection. They’re sealed, and as such allow the user to withstand extreme heat and extreme cold. They no longer slows the user down. They do require advanced components and plasteel to manufacture though.

Siegebreaker Warcasket

A spacer-tech warcasket armor greatly relying on the built-in shield. Instead of the regular 150 HP, Siegebreaker Armor provides the user with 250 HP shield, whilst the Shoulders have built in capacitors that increase the speed at which the warcasket recharges the shield.

Guardian Warcasket

A spacer-tech warcasket armor that on top of generating a personal built-in shield, has an activatable ability that generates an impenetrable, indestructible shield around themselves in the radius of 5. Bullets cannot penetrate the shield, and the shield follows the character. This only lasts 10 seconds after which the ability goes on a 90 second cooldown. Guardian shoulders add a unique ability - as they are essentially giant shields on both sides of the warcasket. Any shot that would hit the warcasket has a 25% chance to be deflected completely.

Controller Warcasket

A spacer-tech warcasket oriented around releasing small combat drones in order to aid in battle. These drones don’t survive for too long, but are guaranteed to cause a moderate amount of damage. The armor itself allows the user to cast an ability called Drone Deployment, which sends out 3 draftable tiny combat drones that explode upon death. They only survive for 60 seconds after which they get destroyed anyway. This ability is reloaded using an advanced component.

The shoulders allow the user to cast a new ability called Deploy a Spider mine. This ability targets the ground and then shoots out a projectile towards the spot. Projectile then turns into a spider mine which runs towards the nearest enemy and detonates. If there is no enemy in the radius of 30, it just detonates on the spot.

The Controller helmet allows the warcasket to summon additional 1 tiny combat drone, but only if Controller armor is also present.

Sarcophagus Warcasket

A spacer-tech warcasket designed to keep the user alive no matter the previous injuries. Unlike other warcaskets, this one stops the bleeding out completely, whilst also locking all the stats of the user at 100% no matter what bionics they had or what bodyparts they’re missing. Each body part provides 100% for the respective parts - for example, a helmet will provide 100% to sight, hearing and speech, whilst torso will provide 100% to movement etc.

Brute Warcasket

Warcasket with nearly impenetrable shield (lots of health), but very slow recharge. It doesn’t allow the user to use ranged weaponry. A new ability on Brute helmet allows the user to detonate the remaining Shield HP, killing everything in radius.


Certain warcaskets unlock new abilities, they are outlined below:

Deploy Low-shield

Extend the range of the personal overshield, generating a circular shield that allows bullets out but not in. The unit is designed to last only a short time before burning out and needing a long recharge time.

Create a big shield bubble around the user, with a radius of 5. The shield is absolutely impenetrable and nothing can go in, but bullets can still fly out. The shield follows the pawn that cast it, allowing the pawn to serve as a mobile shield generator.

The shield only lasts 10 seconds, after which the ability goes on cooldown for 90 seconds.

Deploy Wardrones

Deploy small, combat-ready drones from the docking port in the back. These drones can be controlled to provide firing support, but will self-detonate after 60 seconds.

Reloadable ability. This ability immediately spawns 3 player-controlled, draftable ‘floating turrets’ that the player can control and tell them what to attack and where to move.

These drones should have a counter present on their inspect tab, which tells the player how many seconds are left before the drones detonate. They detonate after 60 seconds in a radius of 1.9.

It’s important to know: If Controller HELMET is also present, the number of drones is increased to 4.

After using the ability, it needs to be reloaded using 1 advanced component.

It should play the unique sound called DeployWardrones when cast.

Deploy Spidermine

Fire a long range spidermine that will automatically run towards the nearest enemy, detonating as soon as it reaches them.

Reloadable ability. Fires a projectile that looks like a Spidermine. Upon landing, projectile actually turns into the Spidermine ‘mechanoid’ which runs towards the nearest enemy in range very quickly and then detonates like an anti-grain IED.

After casting the ability, it requires 1 advanced component to reload.

If spidermine doesn’t find any enemy, it automatically detonates after a few seconds.

If spidermine is destroyed when running towards enemy, it explodes the same way as if it reached the enemy.

Should just make a normal, vanilla launcher sound when it fires a spidermine.

Shield Detonation

Overload the personal shield to create a blast of kinetic energy around the warcasket, damaging everything in radius that gets bigger the more energy it detonates.

An ability which creates a detonation around the warcasket, turning remaining shield HP into the blast force.

Radius of the detonation is dictated by the HP of the shield that’s remaining, using the following formula:

Radius of the detonation = Remaining shield HP / 50

Damage of the detonation is also dictated by the HP of the shield that’s remaining, using the following formula:

Damage of the detonation = Remaining shield HP / 20

Example: Brute warcasket with 750 HP shield will cause a 15 tile detonation with 37.5 damage.

Using this ability lowers the shield HP to 0.


These weapons below can only be equipped by Warcaskets. These aren't all of them - I expect around 5 more weapons than what this list shows.



Market value: 2250
Crafted on:
Resources required:
100 Plasteel, 4 Advanced Components
Research Required: Spacer Warcasket weapons
Work required:
Skill required:
9 Crafting
50 (Bullet)
Range: 39.9
Armor penetration:
65% - 85% - 90% - 85%
Burst count:
Burst ticks:
Warmup: 1.7
Stopping power:

Sound: Same as Charge lance

A powerful charge lance weapon with insane range and three barrels shooting in short successions.



Market value: 1350
Crafted on:
Resources required:
220 Steel
Work required:
Skill required:
7 Crafting
Normal Explosion, 2.9 radius
Range: 50.9
Armor penetration:
Forced Miss radius:
Burst count:
Burst ticks:
Warmup: 2.2s
Stopping power:

Sound: Same as cannon firing.

Essentially a cannon, except a gun, that takes no ammo and can fire over walls. Dreadful accuracy.



Market value: 2200
Crafted on:
Resources required:
180 Plasteel, 10 Advanced Components
Research Required: Spacer Warcasket weapons
Work required:
Skill required:
9 Crafting
8 (Exploding in 1.9 radius)
Range: 31.9
Armor penetration:
20% - 30% - 30% - 18%
Burst count:
Burst ticks:
Warmup: 2.8
Stopping power:

Sound: Same as charge blaster.

A very powerful charge minigun that fires long bursts of explosive projectiles.



Market value: TBD
Crafted on:
Resources required:
Work required:
Skill required:
9 Crafting
Range: TBD
Armor penetration:
TBD% - TBD% - TBD% - TBD%
Burst count:
Burst ticks:
Warmup: TBD
Stopping power:

Sound: TBD

A powerful, but short range, arc welder which zaps a target with an insane amount of electricity. It zaps between nearby enemies damaging everyone.


Only present if Non-lethal mod is present.


Market value: 1650
Crafted on:
Resources required:
150 Steel, 3 Component, 100 Neutroamine
Research required: VWE_NonLethal
Work required:
Skill required:
9 Crafting
Range: 29.9
Armor penetration:
Forced Miss radius:
Burst count:
Burst ticks:
Warmup: 3.5s
Stopping power:

Sound: VWENL_Shot_GrenadeLauncher

A grenade launcher firing two canisters of tear gas. In a way, similar to the already existing Warcasket Grenade Launcher.


Only present if Laser mod is present.


Market value: 3200
Crafted on:
Resources required:
75 Steel, 100 Plasteel, 8 Advanced Components
Research required:
Spacer Warcasket weapons, VWE_UltratechLaserWeapons
Work required: 100,000
Skill required:
12 Crafting
12 (Bullet) + Sets target on fire
Range: 24.9
Armor penetration:
70% - 83% - 86% - 72%
Burst count:
Burst ticks:
Warmup: 2.6s
Stopping power:

Sound: VWE_LaserShot_Rifle
Sound Interact: VWE_Interact_LaserGun

A powerful laser revolver firing a single beam, similar to the laser rifle, that sets enemies on fire whilst also dealing high damage. It utilises warmup mechanic, thus firing faster and faster.


Only present if Coilguns mod is present.


Market value: 3200
Crafted on:
Resources required:
180 Steel, 80 Uranium, 8 Advanced Components
Research required: Spacer Warcasket weapons, VWE_MassDrivers
Work required:
Skill required:
9 Crafting
Range: 59.9
Armor penetration:
40% - 65% - 86% - 88%
Burst count:
Burst ticks:
Warmup: 5.8
Stopping power:

Sound: VWE_Shot_GaussLance

A very powerful weapon firing bursts of three railgun shots at extreme range, penetrating anything in their path.

Copy and tweak the projectile from Gauss Lance :)


Only present if Vikings mod is present.


Market value: 3600
Crafted on:
Resources required:
140 Steel, 80 Plasteel, 9 Advanced Components
Research required: Spacer Warcasket weapons
Work required:
Skill required:
10 Crafting
Range: 9.9
Armor penetration:
65% - 72% - 84% - 70%
Burst count:
Burst ticks:
Warmup: 2.2
Stopping power:

Sound: Same as heavy flamer

A powerful expandable projectile weapon that fires a cone of freezing particles, applying Hypothermic slowdown to anyone in the path, covering the area in snow and adding between 5 and 25% hypothermia.

Hypothermic slowdown should be a new hediff that reduces manipulation stat. It should have a few stages, so continuous blasting will eventually drop people frozen.



Market value: 3000
Crafted on:
Resources required:  
120 Steel, 80 Plasteel, 6 Advanced Components, 40 Uranium
Work required:
Skill required:
9 Crafting
Attack 1:
Head (Blunt) 31 damage, 3 second cooldown. This attack should generate a ‘psychic’ warp effect where it hits, play the gravity hammer attack sound, and push the enemy 3 tiles away in the opposite direction.
Attack 2: Handle (Poke), 15 damage, 2 second cooldown

Gravity hammer should knock an enemy back 3 tiles each hit. It should play a gravity hammer hit sound every time it hits.


Only present if Insectoids mod is present.


Market value: 3600
Crafted on:
Resources required:  
140 Plasteel, 6 Advanced Components
Work required:
Skill required:
9 Crafting
Attack 1:
Point (Stab), 26 damage, 2 second cooldown, Extra 10 Flame damage (0.5 chance)
Attack 2: Edge (Cut), 34 damage, 2.6 second cooldown, Extra 10 Flame damage (0.5 chance)

Essentially a giant burning sword that sets enemies on fire.

As always with these posts, let me know what you think in the comments.

Our coders will begin work as soon as Trading Expanded is ready for testing, which should be within the next couple of days. Vanilla Factions Expanded - Classical will also be entering testing very soon. Genetics Expanded is also moving towards testing in the coming days. Exciting times ahead!

Thanks a lot for reading this!



I’m glad you are adding this to the mod! Frankly, warcaskets are awesome but I was expecting some sort of ultramarine high tech warcasket as well, so this is great news! Thank you!


Loving warcaskets, a total breath of fresh air in the game! Is there any plans for a Prestige version for royalty?


These look awesome! Mr Samuel Streamer would have made great use of these on his most recent series!


Speaking of, I got back into Warhammer 40k, bought some models and been painting them! Who knows, I might show them here on Patreon at some point!


Adding a psychic focused warcasket would be cool but a prestige version seems a bit weird. Why would a noble lock themselves into a warcasket and be happy about it?


I could see a dying noble happily locking himself in a sarcophagus warcasket, a.k.a. "You lowly peasants have to die, I am like a god and will live forever", especially if the prestige version has some kind of mild joywire built-in. Or a particularly dedicated knight/noble wearing some kind of officer/crusader armor to lead a holy crusade from the front line, while other less fortunate die around him. That said, it does rely heavily on my interpretation of the warcaskets, especialy spacer ones, as a rare but powerful weapon supporting a squad of "normal" soldiers in space armors.


The Sarcophagus Warcasket reminds me of 40k Dreadnoughts. You can take a barely living colonist, missing organs and limbs, and give them a second chance. They can also receive a joywire without the consciousness debuff. As for the spacer tech warcaskets, have you thought about more nimble warcaskets? Faster, but less protected? Or even a warcasket equipped with some sort of stealth field? Anyway, thanks for all the great content!


Shield Detonation? I see tech armor detonation for Rim Effect here! :)


Now do medieval. I want to seal my dudes in flameable wooden coffins.


Yeah, that makes sense. I still think a warcasket that can activate some sort of stealth field that renders them stationary would be cool. They also wouldn't have a shield, as all the power would go to the stealth system.


I fall more in love with VE with every update! <3


Any ideas for medieval warcaskets?


This definitely won't happen, sorry. This is industrial tech, inspired by asteroid mining rigs.


I freaking love it. Gives me space marine vibes and I am all for it!!!


Absolutely hyped for this. Makes the wait for war walkers more bearable. One step closer to turning rimworld into battletech.


So I have a quick question, is there a way that we can help test mods as they get ready to help speed up development?


*Mr Streamer liked this*


I really love these, and i remember posting an idea about a warcasket that can make a shield around itself. I think at least, maybe i just had that idea and thought i posted it. Either way, these seem really cool. Especially that arc welder, really looking forward to that!


Psychic variants would be amazing since meditating is one of the few things a warcasket can do irc. Really wanting to do a colony of some psychic warcaskets when Psycasts Expanded is realized!


love seeing some deep rock galactic inspiration on the crypto cannon


This looks incredible! Also: cross mod content is the best content in my opinion. :)


I would have gone in kind of the opposite direction, with some kind of modifications that let folks interface with a big murder suit without necessarily being entirely wired into it. Think MECs, from XCOM: Enemy Within. You still have to make sacrifices to put people into warcaskets like that, but they're not entirely worthless outside of combat anymore.


The Warcasket Cannon is basically Bucko Drink's hand-held mortar.


As someone who swore by siege breaker power armor and then Warcaskets, I'm super excited to see this tease! However, there are a few design choices that have me worried. 1. Mod crossover is always welcome and one of the reasons Vanilla Expanded stands so high in the modding community. However: In Insectoids, you cannot craft plasma weapons, they are explicitly quest-only. Here, in this mod, you /can/ craft a plasma sword. This seems like an odd choice, with the solution being to make the Warcasket sword quest-only or the plasma weapons craftable (like the Spacer lasers were made to be) to avoid weird contradictions. 2. There is a bit of a dissonance in design, where the form doesn't fit function. The Sarcophagus warcasket has a terrific effect, and a terrific design. The issue is that it is styled after Necrons. Necrons are very well-known for their malfunctions, with it being a critical component of their lore. They are also infamous for resurrecting (not a feature of the armor) and being resistant to the radiation, heat, and cold that would kill every other faction in the setting (a feature of EVERY Spacer Warcasket and the reason that you'd previously have taken a Hazard Warcasket despite it's low armor). The Sarcophagus Warcasket, therefore, is like modding-in a cool rifle that fires arrows or a flamethrower: we like the design and we like the mechanics, they just don't fit. Same issue with the 'laser bolter' when bolters are named that way for firing explosive bolts. From the description, the Warcasket Laser Bolter doesn't fire bolter rounds and doesn't have explosives (unlike the Warcasket Charge Blaster). 3. There seems to be a lack of trade-off in armor stats. The Specialized Warcaskets handled that well, with the barrage being the slowest suit but the most armored, and the Hazard being the best for deadly environments but not straight-on combat. Here, they all have the same sharp armors with the only difference being the blunt resistance. The Controller suit seems like it would do well at the back of a fight, letting their drones do the work. Yet, they have the same armor as a Barrage suit of armor AND a shield. Likewise, the Sarcophagus suit doesn't have to worry about destroyed or damaged limbs or organs, but still has amazing defense. The Siegebreaker, Guardian, and Brute caskets all have strong shields AND strong armor, which sort-of limit their identity as the "big shieldy one". I feel that bringing some of the Warcasket's defenses down would help. Not only could the Barrage still compete (as these suits are big commitments, and you may have to choose between keeping a pawn in an inferior suit before you have the research/materials for a better one or giving them bionics to excel in a new one) for sheer defense, but also so that other Warcaskets could have a stronger identity. This balance is all throughout the game like Eltex gear which is is good at psycasts but bad at defense, power armor which is strong but slows movement, and gunlinks which increase shooting but have no armor.


I feel like a tribal one might work better, reflavored as a new sort of dryad that you need to use a ritual at one of the magical trees to make. Strong against blunt, not so much against sharp, and very flammable while maybe having psychic blasts or sensitivity boosts. It would be a big change from how the other Warcaskets are implemented, and would definitely help the tribals who are missing most forms of armor and ways to besiege an enemy other than a ton of tribals who would die later or animals.


To reiterate on #3: The Aerial Warcasket - like the Guardian Warcasket - has the ability to avoid taking damage, so does not have much armor. You don't need to protect against damage you don't receive. The Shock Warcasket - like the Brute Warcasket - is designed to get into the middle of a lot of enemies and damage them, so reduced armor could still be viable against weakened enemies with lowered consciousness and manipulation. The Hazard Warcasket - like the Sarcophagus Warcasket - is less designed to mow through raiders and moreso meant to send a warrior into otherwise lethal scenarios that just damage reduction and hitpoints couldn't solve. Therefore, armor isn't a priority. It also means that by being the Warcasket components without special abilities - the Siegebreaker and Guardian helmets - could still have a niche over ones that do have strong abilities, were they to maintain the most armor of the new Warcaskets presented. Otherwise, I see no reason not to equip the Sarcophagus helmet on the Siegebreaker and Guardian sets.


1. Plasma sword, Crypto cannon etc won't be craftable upon further consideration - you're right, they should be quest reward only. 2. Oh yes it is styled after necrons, but it isn't necron itself, as Necrons don't exist in RimWorld. To an average player, it's a skeleton looking armor - and one thing reanimated skeletons have going for them is not dying due to missing organs. It's meant to be an ornamental piece of combat gear that at all costs keeps the character alive. It won't resurrect the pawn. It won't heal the pawn. It only keeps everything inside working. If only you looked at the Sarcophagus warcasket without the context of Necrons, you'd see that the design fits the requirements perfectly! 3. Maximum armor stat in the game is 200. Barrage (which was industrial tech) already had 200 armor, which means Spacer tech warcaskets need it to be the same or higher (higher is not an option), thus this stat. To make them more powerful (due to the sheer amount of resources they cost and technology they need), they have this powerful overshield. The moment we start lowering some of the armor stats, they are at risk of becoming worse than Industrial tech armors - and after all, Spacer tech armors are meant to be stronger than the best powered armors - especially because they still disable all work types. When coming up with Spacer warcaskets, I didn't particularly aim for diversity - they are all meant to be equally powerful, and only offer small differences in capabilities and abilities for the player to customize.


Thank-you very much for the responses! While I still have a minor disagreement with the aesthetics in #2, I feel like the consideration of armor for #3 is more important. Edit: There used to be a lot of text here. I decided to make this spreadsheet to express my points more objectively and clearly than I could. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1UVOvY2TWvGr1cL1ewM8jX6Bxd04UUKsDk5MD7vAjilg/edit?usp=sharing The greener a cell is, the better that stat is. The redder it is, the worse that stat is. White is average. TL;DR: Four (two arms, two legs) bionics (wouldn't want sub-par efficiency) cost more than every Industrial Warcasket costs to build. Therefore, it just isn't a good use of resources and money to upgrade your colonist's Warcasket. On average, Spacer Warcaskets beat Industrial Warcaskets in sharp armor, blunt armor, and heat armor. This means they are direct statistical increases to Industrial Warcaskets. Combining the above two observations: There is no economic or tactical (without consideration for abilities) reason to build pre-Spacer Warcaskets. This would arguably make 60% of Warcaskets obsolete. If a Warcasket's only priority is making the best soldier possible, why would you settle for one that fails to make the best soldier? By adjusting the values of Spacer Warcaskets to their comparable Industrial counterparts, then the advantages of the Industrial era's cost, research dedication, and abilities will still have a place in a colony alongside the damage negation (a shield with only 150hp can still entirely negate about five full charge rifle bursts!) and abilities of the Spacer Warcaskets.


Just so we’re clear, you are aware that you don’t need to remove someone from a warcasket to upgrade it, right? Simply putting them back into the foundry will allow you to change all elements of your suit. You also need to remember how insanely expensive spacer warcaskets are. They cost lots of plasteel and advanced components. I see your longbow idea and I just can’t agree with it. When you can build charge rifles, you usually never build longbows. They used to be useful in medieval era, but come industrial era you can build far superior firearms. The only reason you’d build a longbow is a lack of resources - which is the same with warcaskets: if you don’t have plasteel, you go back to industrial ones.


I actually didn't know that you could swap pieces out in the Foundry. The mod and it's steam page don't mention that, just how horribly removing a Warcasket would mangle your pawn. Generally, it made even trying to swap it out seem like a bad idea. Knowing that changes a lot of my arguments, but I still feel like the severity of the armor rating isn't being fully considered. When you can afford to spend plasteel on tanks and not medical equipment, weapons, defenses, or machinery, it likely isn't a massive factor anymore. Either you're bringing between sixty to two hundred pieces of plasteel per quest, or have your Mechanoids factory producing it reliably, or you have your economy (devilstrand clothing, art, drugs) online and outright buying all the components you need is no longer a massive hurdle. A lancer - the enemy who consistently kills or injures the majority of my soldiers - would need to land five shots just to break a Spacer's basic shield (over eight for a Siegebreaker, 25 shots for a full Brute). With armor calculations, it would then only have a 1/5 chance (1/6 for Guardians) of dealing half (15) damage: everything else would reflect. That is incredibly powerful, especially when considering that the Barrage Warcasket didn't have the benefit of a shield or the ability to move while it used it's ability. Having just the shields while every suit of Spacer armor was still around 175% would still be ridiculously powerful in their ability to essentially just walk directly into Mechanoid Clusters (even more plasteel) and live to tell the tale. Controllers can avoid damage by sending drones out, Guardians can avoid damage with their bubble shield and shoulders, siegebreakers can avoid damage by ducking behind cover to recharge, brutes can avoid damage with their massive shields, sarcophagus aren't majorly impacted by damage besides blood loss and brain death if I read their info correctly, and ALL of them can avoid damage with their shields, while still having the armor of the suit least able to avoid damage.


In that last paragraph you basically described exactly how each of the Glittertech Warcaskets have their own niche and situational advantage. Modifying the armor values of each of them by some tiny amount isn't going to make any noticeable improvement compared to the effect of the systems you just outlined. To add to this, Armor using the vanilla system doesn't entirely negate damage very often, even at the highest armor value in the game. Mods like "Yayo's combat" or "Thick Armor" modify the vanilla armor system to make it more valuable, but in vanilla it's really not that effective. Armor value and Effective armor value are not the same and there is a huge drop off in armor usefulness as you get into effective values over 100%. So messing with armor values near the armor cap, doesn't do much in practice. The barrage suit as it states in its description is made to be essentially a mobile artillery platform. The newer glittertech suits each specify their own combat roles as well. There is a noted difference in ability and benefit between all of the new mechs and a massive difference in price between the glittertech and industrial ones. If your issue is about resource cost vs the power of the units and as you stated you feel it is too easy to attain rare material like plasteel, you also need to remember how much those items inflate your wealth and as a result raid size. Personally I never make it to the point that I've been that resource rich, especially with plasteel, but assuming you are and you dumped the time and effort into the research needed for the new warcaskets, you will likely be dealing with in game threats of a scale to match.


You raise some excellent points, though I feel that you miss a large one in that each Spacer Warcasket has it's own role, though each additionally treads upon the Barrage's and eachother's. I believe this may be a case of differing opinions on whether the Warcaskets should be better because they suit a playstyle, or because they cost a lot of research and resources. Despite all Specialized Warcaskets being arguably /uniquely/ superior to the Advanced Warcaskets thanks to their abilities. The Barrage needed support because enemies constantly move-up, and could overwhelm even it's mighty armor. The Hazard Warcasket let you fight while on fire in a toxic fallout, but didn't give you the same margin of error each Warcasket above Marine possessed. Again, the Spacer models break the pattern of Warcaskets being a cheaper alternative to power armor. They may now be alternatives to power armor, warcaskets, turrets, shield packs, low-shields, drugs and bionics (for the Sarcophagus, which keeps all of your stats from being reduced), and in some cases even cover. If you could afford one, why /wouldn't/ you put a pawn in one?


Any plan on war casckets shield? I mean the hand held one, not bubble shield


No, but the Guardian one has literally two large shields as their shoulderpads, which has a chance to straight up absorb 25% of shots.

Mangulwort .

Could Pirates spawn with warcaskets, or perhaps other vanilla factions? I often play with a limited number of factions and I would like to be attacked by war caskets without relying on Junkers being spawned. Perhaps a "Mercenary" warcasket pawn can appear so outlanders and vanilla pirates can get some warcasket love.


As Artemis Martin noticed, what I agree with - Bolter, so to speak, strongly associates with a certain "GRIM" franchise ... in dark times ... in which there is only ... you know! :) You know what I mean anyway: P Instead of "Bolter" it would be more "Cannon" Warcasket Laser Cannon Then you would feel an intermediate immersion - between the franchise I mentioned and the vanilla touch that you allude to and which you are so famous for, which you really do well :)


Aww that's sad. I want to wrap them up tin can style, like in a really thick, full plate high gothic armor.