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Hello everyone and welcome to a rather quick development diary today!

As I promised, I decided to show you the next bunch of outposts we have for Vanilla Expanded Outposts.

One of them, the Fishing one, is an integration between our Fishing mod and Outposts.

Following outposts WILL NOT be present in Vanilla Factions Expanded - Classical, and are exclusive to the standalone Outposts mod.

btw, Drilling Outpost can be used to refuel vehicles once our Vehicle mod is out!



Can the Scavenging Outpost bring items from other mods as well?


What happens if I put 6 Pawns in the Scavenging Outpost?


If such items are part of existing loot tables, then they can bring them in as well!


Can I send pawns to defensive outpost, or any other, while it is raided, to help with ongoing battle? And if yes, what happenes with these troops once the battle is over?


I don't like the calculations and balance for the manufacturing outpost and that the mod promotes quantity over quality. The player just needs to gather some poor/unwanted prisoners, train them *some* crafting to reach levels of 6-10 and they've completely trivialized the component problem, one of the most bottlenecking and valuable resources. Getting 200++ advanced components a year or 1000+ components a year sounds way too good. I think the number (or frequency) can easily go down by 75% or more. Otherwise the mod sounds really interesting and I'm excited for it.


With the scavenging outpost are some pieces of loot more likely to show up, and if they are will having more pawns make it more likely for good loot to appear?


All numbers are to be changed, mod hasn’t even been in testing yet. It will go through at least 2 weeks of balancing


The scavenging outpust brought up the idea of an outpost of scouts, which gives the player possible raid quests for the settlements where loot is found


Seems to be a bit tedious, maybe you consider an option to auto-caravan these pawns along with all the items they had with them before joining fight?


will defensive outposts also have a chance to intercept other threats such as herds of manhunting animals or stopping raiders with kidnapped pawns/stolen items?


I'm really looking forward to this mod as it will help me make something of those pawns that aren't good enough to recruit but still have decent skills. I like having few pawns so getting fish or components from captured prisoners instead of having them sit here until I can drop pod them for relation improvement will be great ! Also just to clarify, does having 4 Defensive Outpost mean you'll always almost intercept incoming raids ?


That'd actually be really fun. Throw in some other scouting events as well, like having it more rarely generate things like a map that just has multiple ancient dangers. Maybe include some cross-mod integration, like very rarely rolling a VFE Vikings Tomb, VFE Insectiods Infested Base, or VFE Ancients Complex.


What happens if the Defensive Outpost loses the fight? Does the game generate a new raid from the same faction a few days later? Does it also work against event-generated raids (like from quests, the reactor startup, and the drone hack), or only raids from the Storyteller's Major Threat cycle?


Will settlement output take into account plant speed, manipulation etc of pawns you send? Or is it just skill?


Very fair points, at the moment it didn’t generate a raid at main base but I think it should. It doesn’t work for quest raids. Those need to specifically target your local map.


Another question, can you swap the people in the outpost. For instance send your builder to the drilling outpost for the first step, then send your miners and take your builders back home ?


This looks like it will pair really well with VFE ancients whenever theyre both out!