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Hello everyone! Touching base on the progress of some of our mods.

Notable changes since the last roadmap:

Vanilla Furniture Expanded - Architect has been released and added to Released section.
Vanilla Factions Expanded - Ancients has been through 2 rounds of testing now. I envision one more before release.
Rim-Effect: Asari and the Reapers will enter testing shortly.
Vanilla Outposts Expanded moved closer to Ancients as it will release shortly after Ancients released. It will enter testing shortly.
Vanilla Ideology Expanded - Memes and Structures content complete. Will enter testing shortly.
Vanilla Ideology Expanded - Anima Theme moved back in time to make space for development of Memes and Structures and UI mods.
Rim-Effect: Drell moved back slightly.
Vanilla Genetics Expanded moved back behind Trading Expanded, as Trading Expanded is in large portion done code-wise.
Unannounced, secret mod moved forward a bit.
Vanilla Paintings Expanded moved back behind Classical faction.




After Ancient I think I am most excited for Memes and Structures (seriously, Ideology already is awesome because of how it changes how you play, having even more ways to do so is amazing) glad to see it closer in the timeline, and Genetics expanded (because I never experienced Genetic Rim and love the idea). Trading expanded sound interesting but I feel it's one of those mods that can push you out of your comfort zone with how much it will change how you can get money, but I'll try it just for the fact it can counterbalance some mods that can get you a lot of expensive ressources.

Mangulwort .

I find myself looking forward to Royal animals, they sound cool!


Have been taking a break from Rimworld until Ancients comes out, very much looking forward to it


We live in a golden age of mods - thanks for all your hard work.


I'm hypped with all those mods, they are so great! I feel like a news expansion for rimworld is released every time you guys finish a new mod. I have no words, you are just the best


Have you read Revelation Space Oskar? Tynan said he was inspired heavily by it and I can see so many similarities in rimworld. Such an underrated book series


I desire to find the ancients. I know you and yours are digging those vaults as I say this, but the call to the old metal is deafening. I hope to receive a missive of their discovery soon.


Any update on ancients?