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Whats up guys. I'm pulling another sneaky mod on you, not from the roadmap.

I promised some of you on discord that if you donate to a charity of your choice, I will do this mod, and you did, so now I'm holding my end of the bargain.

Vanilla Ideology Expanded - Anima Theme will take the whole Gauranlen thing and throw it out the window. We don't need another magical tree, and Anima tree context is greatly unexplored. What I did is created a new set of anima-theme textures for Dryads and the Gauranlen trees, so that at least it looks like it's a part of the Anima story. Let's take a look at the infographics!

Alright then. That's about it. I hope at least some of you share my sentiment that the whole dryad thing could be a great extension of the Anima tree.

Of course this mod will require Royalty DLC as it adds Anima trees.



Omg! This is Perfect!

Dan Gragert

That's really neat ^_^ nice work sir.


Wow, I didnt know I needed this untill you posted, this makes so much sense.


Oskar, hitting us with that Rimworld content we didn't even know we wanted! Does this retextured gaurulan tree make the anima tree obsolete if you can also psylink with it?


This is awesome


I love this, thank you for all your mods you really go above and beyond


i was complaining about too many different magic trees in my sci-fi game since the ideology anouncement. vindication pog


Well, you kinda answered yourself with the last sentence. Not tying the ideology stuff to anima tree but a separate entity makes it possible to use it without owning Royalty.


I agree, it is a bit odd we git two of the same thing Though I will admit I liked the orange flavor ..maybe it changes colour in autumn? And would be thematic if it played well with: https://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/?id=2215217049 Either way, this is better! Thanks!

Thomas Pyke

Me on release of 1.4: How am I going to reconcile my tribals worshipping both Anima AND Gauranlen? Oskar: No problem buddy.


I really like the orange coloration of the Gaurenlen trees, but I also love this. I'll probably be switching between the two often! It'll go great with the eventual release of the Anima tree biome.


ooh this is nice, its basically an anima tree that you can choose where it goes. Cool! Now my colonists can stop going across the map to meditate at a tree




I luv dis


I was really hoping someone would do this. The orange tree just felt so out of place next to the blue avatar tree.


Wow, I knew there was a reason I made my first Ideology play through the bloodthirsty, cannibal, hill-people tribe and not the hippie tree huggers. This looks beautiful. Looking forward to it.


I don't really mind the Gauranlen stuff, but I'll still use this for the HD textures.


Will these trees show up on every map as a anima tree dies, or appear in events as the gaurland trees? Always gound it odd that mythical anima trees appear on every map :')


Oh I thought it would "fuse" the two trees 😅