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It is time for you to vote!

Over the last few months I’ve been drafting a few unique faction mods to guide us into the next phase of Vanilla Expanded. They are all at similar level of completion, but I didn’t want to decide by myself which one should be worked on first.

This is your opportunity to vote. Only one vote per person, so make sure you cast it right. Don’t worry - all these mods will be released sooner or later, the vote will determine the order at which they will be released.

I don’t want to give any time estimates but I expect each of them to take at least 2 months in development, so these three should keep us covered for at least 6 months, could be more. Of course smaller mods will also be released in the meantime - more on that in the coming weeks after I assemble the 1.3 roadmap.

Over the next three pages you can read exactly what each of these mods will add. How they will reshape your gameplay, what new problems and solutions they will provide.

The voting is public. Everyone can vote.

Voting will be closed on 1st of August.

Following mods can be voted on:

A - Vanilla Factions Expanded - Ancients (Will require Ideology DLC)

B - Vanilla Factions Expanded - Arkology

C - Vanilla Factions Expanded - Classical

The poll can be found at: www.strawpoll.com/ud1jprek2




Personally I would like to see Ancients first, then Classical and last Arkology. Ancients actually expands on existing rimworld lore, since ancients exist in the base game but they are very barebones. Also proposed features seem neat, especially ancient constructions and supersoldiers. Classical is the oldest of the three as far as I know. The Idea of uniting senators to basically unite your colonies sounds cool, and technologies offered by said senators also sound interesting and useful. Arkology is... well... a mod about dinasaurs? Sure dinosaurs are cool but do they really fit in rimworld? I'm sure the mod will turn out good, but I am interested in this mod the least of these three.


This is going to be amazing!


classical is best


Yeah, yeah. but your pawns were so preoccupied with whether or not they could, they didn't stop to think if they should! Honestly, if it is mostly about genetically creating dinos, there needs to be Jurassic Park style event.


Bruh if you sold your mods as dlc no one would complain


I would defenetly favor ancients and then classical


Ancients looks so cool


I wouldn't complain, but the community at large is massively selfish; there would be a lot of complaints.


I am very passionately in favor of Classical. I've been waiting for it for so long!


I'd like to see Arkology, because it makes Social pawns good for something besides trading and prisoner recruitment. The other options are also excellent, though... I certainly wouldn't be disappointed in any of them!


Classical seems amazing! Ancients looks really great too, but I between superpowers and outposts, I'll take latter. As for Arkology... We'll see.


I wasn't very sure about how Arkology would fit the vanilla lore, but you got a point about the Social pawns needing more stuff to do!


I love the sound of hunting down ancient tech so I voted for that but am surprised arkology is the lowest. I bet sarg has some ideas for his genetics mod!


Oh. My. Word. Classical now is going to be my favorite mod of all time, second to only Vikings. It's amazing. My three favorite cultures/mythology settings are, Norse, Greek, and Egyptian. You've made two of them, and I wouldn't be surprised if you made an Egyptian one at this point!!!


I am honestly amazed by the current pool results, more than 50% voting for a mod that will be unusable without the newest DLC shows how much people trust both your and Tynan's teams to deliver great content to the game. I have to ask, are you perhaps planning to include interactions between some of your bigger mods, like how you introduced new guns to VWE:Laser, Heavy and Coilguns with the release of VWE:Frontier? I get that we usually shouldn't run every single one of VE mods at the same time exactly for the reason that for example a medieval faction doesn't feel right living nearby a massive insectoid hive, but it'd be great to see at least some degree of interaction. Also, since Royalty and (soon) VFE:Arkology we'll be seeing more and more of high tech, coreworld-ish forces take part in the everyday affairs on the Rim, how do you feel about the threat of overloading Rimworld's gameplay with increasingly higher tech content? Do you feer stepping into VOID territory of OP levels? What about balancing the rope of theme between too close to classic Fantasy and Sci-Fi settings?


my god... these 3 mods are game changers. its so hard to chose.

Dan Gragert

Really interested in Ancients; A is my vote.


It's hard to choose they're all so good.


Hmm. Maybe an option could be included in those mods, or implemented into the Framework in general, that makes their events nonexistent or at least incredibly rare until such time as your tech level/colony wealth/some third thing increases to a certain point? Like, a hypertech arkology or vault of paranoid supersoldiers isn't going to give a damn about your uniting the republics or building a medieval army until you improve your tech to the level of being an actual threat....or, alternately, go and start something with them. Also, I'm fairly sure we've already seen a method to keep from being overwhelmed like that implemented-doesn't the storyteller from VFE Medieval (Maynard, I think it is?) prevent any events or factions of Industrial tech or above spawning?


And with Ideology coming up, it wouldn't surprise me if we got some kind of Mythology mods to go with Vikings or the new Classical-bring in worship of the Norse Gods or the Olympians, add a few quests going after mythical monsters for great rewards/to not get smited. Though given that half a year's worth of new factions is likely to be the tip of the iceberg of what Oskar's got planned, that may have to come from other authors.... That said, I hadn't thought of an Egyptian mod. That could be pretty cool; extended traps, fancy sarcophagi, khopesh swords, pyramids, tomb raiders (both you going to raid ancient tombs and enemies trying to raid your own tombs, probably protecting them could have something to do with Ideology?)....and ways to survive in the desert. Hopefully.


Ancients gets my vote, even though I desperately want to see Outposts in action.


1- Classical 2- Rim Effect, Vehicles, Trading 3- Ancients


For me, its going to be Classical first. Followed by Ancients and then Arkology.


Why is Arkology losing in the poles? Ancients is winning, aka more op tech? sadness. at least classical looks cool for a themed playthrough.


I do love a low tech play through so I vote Classical.


Arkology is losing because it has a very specific and odd theme that also clashes quite a lot with vanilla rimworld gameplay feel. As a mod in Vanilla expanded series it is just not right.


C, then a, then b. I want gladiators fights with this and ideology.