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Hello folks and welcome to a rather quick development blog. I'd just like to show you something truly terrifying.

You remember Mechanoid ships we added with VFE-Mechanoids? You know, the ones that land all over the world, and sometimes on your base? The ones with cannons, unit fabricators, reactors, engines etc? The boss-battle ones that are very hard to defeat?

Well, we've been working on something quite similar for the Reapers.

They are big, they are terrifying, they use random assortment of different components, each serving a different function. They have long range missile launchers, kinetic artillery, they can summon reaper bombardments and fire a devastating reaper beam. They provide enough resources when destroyed, that you will be able to build a great, strong and reliable defense force to tackle even more reapers.

Don't worry, they won't arrive on your planet too soon. We are making sure that the first Reaper will land only when you have enough wealth to try and tackle it. And if you ignore the first Reaper, like the Council did, more Reaper ships will land. In fact, the more reaper ships there are, the more will land. That's right. 

This will be an endgame kind of threat, even more so than Mechanoids. Reapers are capable of wiping out settlements around the world, meaning if they break out of control, your game will inevitably end. Or, who knows, you might be the last pocket of resistance on your planet, fighting reaper swarms to survive one more day!

There will be plenty of opportunities to team up with other factions to try and bring a Reaper down. But remember: They will only come to your planet once you're sufficiently advanced. Don't worry tribal colonies, you won't have to fight a Reaper!

I will see you all soon with more content!



I'm both terrified and aroused..


Omg yes!! Let's goo!


About husk. They living creatures or mechanoids in game code?


Neither. Custom flesh type. Won’t be hackable with WTH or trainable or recruitable.

Dan Gragert

Sweet crapping Christmas that looks amazing. I am terrified. xD... now here's the real question, were you able to get/use the token horn when they attack.... the fear is real. lol you hear that BWAAAAAAAA and just O__O


Cool stuff, really looking forward to seeing what you guys have in mind for indoctrination


I love you Oskar..


Ehhh, Oskar - everything is ok after vaccination...? I heard that's very danger... I hope you don't make this sort of horrible mistake...


Vaccines are perfectly safe. Please don't go spreading that fear-mongering nonsense around please.


I got mine, and other than needing an ice pack for the second shot I was perfectly fine.


Just making it clear, it was my choice to get vaccinated earlier than others my age in the UK, I was more than happy to get vaccinated as I don't like my odds if COVID inevitably gets to me, and I got a vaccination date set for 6th of July.


now we just need a gun that shoots Thresher Maws