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Hello everyone and welcome to another mod development blog, this time focused on our next Rim-Effect module: Asari and the Reapers.

To those unaware of Mass Effect universe, let me give a quick explanation, a sort of ‘Explain like I’m five’:

Asari are the race of beautiful space ‘women’ (I say women but they are in fact genderless, they just look feminine), that is biologically inclined to be better biotics than other races. They live for centuries, and they spend their youth traveling the galaxy and exploring it - by youth I mean the first century of their life.

Reapers on the other hand are a race of sentient machines that was thought to be a myth. Every 50 thousand years they arrive in the galaxy for their harvest, destroying any and all civilisations completely. This is known as the cycle. They are essentially huge space ships that destroy everything in their path, and they change humans and other races into indoctrinated monsters to help their cause.

Both of these factions will be added with our mod, and as always we will make sure everything suits vanilla game perfectly, so it won’t be a glaring ‘damn, this ain’t rimworld’, but instead, it will be a bit like RimWorld 2.0.

Let’s quickly go over more interesting things, like the stuff I drew, for example.

Reapers themselves are huge spaceships, which will work in a similar way to our Mechanoid space ships - they will land on your map and the more of them land, the stronger they will become. However, they are much more powerful than Mechanoid ships, and as such, we are making sure they don’t start landing at all until you, the player, are powerful enough to take them on.

For their ground forces, they use a number of new half-organic half-synthethic hybrids made out of not only mass effect races, but also known rimworld animals/machines. As you can see, we’ve got Reaper cannibals, Mararuders, Banshees, Brutes and Ravagers from the Mass Effect games, but also a Swarmer inspired by megascarabs, Goliath inspired by Centipede, and Collossus inspired by Thrumbo. I wasn’t joking when I said we are merging both universes together!

As for the Asari race, we are working on it non stop. They will be able to have various colors, different face tattoos, they all have female body type and they can romance both male and female pawns of any other race.

Furthermore, depending on their backstory, they can start with a free biotic ability without the need for biotic amp.

All in all, it will be a great module and I can’t wait to show you what we have planned for the Reaper ships themselves!

And if you're wondering how my break has been: It was amazing. I chilled out, played through the entirety of Mass Effect 1 and 2, spent some quality time with my girlfriend and our cat, watched 2 seasons of Narcos, did occassional work for our video game, Cursed Crew, and today my friends are coming over from across the country so we can go to some pubs, as it's now safe to do so.

Oh, and I'm getting vaccinated in 2 weeks. Something to look forward to!



First of all, this looks awesome and I cannot wait! Secondly, it's nice to hear how your well deserved break went! Enjoy your time at the pub! I also hope you had a great birthday!


Wow! I have been waiting for this dev blog, very curious how the reapers would be handled, and I am not disappointed. Those ground forces might be the sexiest things I have seen put into rimworld. This is the greatest overhaul-ish mod ever.


This looks phenomenal. Good to hear you had a nice time away from the modding. Have just started the legendary edition, am halfway through 1, can't believe it's taken this for me to replay the series


Interesting. I hope you don't get any of the possible side efects :D

Dan Gragert

**excited dan noises** Dude this looks incredible. I can't wait. I just finished my 2nd Vacc, so i can at least share my experience. Plan each one (less so the first one (unless you're doing the one-dose ones), kinda kicking your ass for a couple days with flu-like symptoms (foremost, lots of fatigue). I only got stuffed nose, but my roommate basically was super nauseous. First one lasted a couple days but the second was 3-4. That's my experience, anyway hope yours goes well man. :) either way, can shake it off after a short bit. I was able to take 2 days off work and just sleep it off. Other than that, stay hydrated :D


It looks awesome, has aways, I have no words, your work is great! Its good to know you got your time, we need to rest sometime and boy, I miss the pubs, here vacination and the covid are not doing very well, but things are getting better... slowly. Wb Oskar