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Hello folks!

Today, in Typical Tuesday Suggestions thread, I will be collecting your suggestions for new Experimental items we are adding as part of the Mechanoid expansion.

You will now be able to take Mechanoid components and experiment with them, creating various random items. They are very powerful, but usually with limited amount of uses. Some examples include:

Experimental Haywire grenades

“Description goes here”

A set of grenades that scramble mechanoid targeting systems, resulting in them targeting each other for a brief period of time. Essentially, mechanoids go berserk.

Experimental Scythe

“Description goes here”

A mechanoid scythe weapon. A very powerful melee tool.

Experimental Spider-mine launcher

“Description goes here”

A launcher that sends a tiny spider robot. When it lands, it becomes an item similar to an IED. When an enemy gets in range, it becomes a pawn, runs towards the enemy and explodes.

Experimental Hive missile

“Description goes here”

A launcher that takes a long time to aim, but fires 8 mini-missiles at 8 different targets. If less targets is found, it still fires 8 missiles but the remaining missiles go to the primary target.

So yeah guys, go for it, and go wild, and give us some wicked ideas. Remember, I am not just looking for a gun with more damage. I'd much rather prefer something much more out of the box!

This TTS thread will be used from 17/11/2020 to 24/11/2020.



IFF (identify friend-foe) Scrambler. A one use item that summons a group of mechanoids that fight for you for a while. "This items temporarily scrambles the mechanoid IFF systems making them think that your settlement is a group of mechanoids needing assistance"


Sorry it's a bit late but the idea of an experimental meteor displacer would be very useful, it could be used to seal up areas just outside the building range and as a devastating weapon. It would function like a tornado summoner, air strike or whatever but just simply pull meteorites out of orbit to the target location. I'd use it to create natural walls inside the Anima tree's range without ruining it's bonus from no structures. Never mind the obvious bonus of summoning a random pool of mineable resources.