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Hey there!

We asked you before to consider what Traits you'd see added to RimWorld, so here we go!
Leave a name of the trait and a brief description what it would do. Our programmers are eager to hear your opinion!

 This TTS thread will be used from 22/09/2020 to 29/09/2020.  



Boring - On the upside, has a greatly reduced recreation tolerance buildup and can eat nutrient paste without penalty. On the downside, gains no mood bonuses from meals or beauty. Enables Minimalist focus. Authoritarian (req. Royalty) - Has an increased chance of attempting to compliment pawns with royal titles. Gains a mood boost based on highest royal title present in your colony, but a mood penalty for each royal pawn whose requirements are not met. Will be conceited if given a title.


Cold lover increased minimum comfortable temp


Heat lover increased max comfortable temp


Dolittle - has a much higher chance of bonding with an animal Womanizer - has a much higher chance of making romantic advances (even if in a relationship) Prospector - has a chance of getting [uncertain]% more yield from an ore Butcher - has a chance of getting [uncertain]% more meat from an animal Thick skinned - reduced bleed rate Thin skinned - increased bleed rate Vegetarian - mood penalty for eating meat Carnivore - mood bonus for eating meat


Insect lover - higher taming chance for insectoids. also gets mood boost from eating insect meat. Gets mood penalty if there are no tamed insects in the colony.


grit - higher pain shock threshold


Angler - has a chance of getting [uncertain]% more yield fishing (Vanilla Fishing Expanded needed though)


I really like thick skinned and thin skinned; maybe thin-skin could be called "haemophiliac" though.


Schizoid - The pawn no longer has Minor or Major mental breaks and instead only has Extreme breaks where they would have Major breaks. This skips over minor breaks and their inconvenience and lets the pawn last until they just outright explode at the major threshold with an extreme break. Also would this mod be able / willing to deal with the issue of traits like gay and asexual being trait hogs? I know Psychology deals with this but it seems like the mod is becoming dated with each new update of Rimworld as more and more people make unofficial updates to it just to keep it afloat, on top of its issues at the core. The other features of that mod mean nothing to me personally, it's just the whole gay / bi / asexual traits being thrown into another system freeing up space for actual traits that I find valuable.


ButterFace- Plus 2 when wearing a full face helmet, Minus 4 with no helmet.


Strong - Increased carrying capacity


Not sure how practical any of these are, but these are a few I think would be neat. Drunkard - Doubles the positive effects of alcohol, but triples the likely hood of alcohol addiction. Stoner - Same as drunkard but with smokeleaf also +1 to plant skill. Dog Lover - +1 to animal skill. Mood buff if bonded with a canine staking with more bonded canines, mood debuff if not bonded to a canine and large mood debuff for bonded canine death. Cat Lover - Same as dog lover but with felines. Homeopath - +2 medical skill, more effective tending with herbal medicine and no medicine, less effective and mood debuff when using regular or glitterworld medicine. Transcendentalist - +3 to all skills, but stacking mood debuff for each additional colonist currently a part of the colony. Large mood bonus if the only colonist.


Pathfinder - reduced movement penalty in all the slowed down terrains.


Indefatigable - reduced rest fall rate