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Hello and welcome to the first of many Viking development blogs. As you know we had a few setbacks - one of them led to me removing the estimated dates from the roadmap indefinitely.

We are however on track now, and the mod as it is right now is already playable and is currently being tested on our public testing server called Vanilla Testing Expanded, which you can access through the discord invitation link below:


Remember to introduce yourself in the intro channel before the pesky bot kicks you out!

The way we have coded the Viking Faction is that their bases will only spawn in colder biomes. NO, that does not mean you won't get raided by them in the desert - sadly the game doesn't care where you are when assigning raids. It does however mean that to raid them back you will have to travel all the way to the north of the planet. Why did we make them spawn only in cold biomes then? Because a viking settlement in the desert would look bizarre.

Viking faction only comes in two types (unlike vanilla factions that come in 3 types).

Savage clan

These clanmen have been here for a long time. Perhaps their ancestors crashed here a thousand years ago, as their legends suggest. In any case, the nordmen are fierce people who live off of the work of others, and they are not afraid to use force to take what's not theirs. Albeit not as technologically advanced as other factions, the nordmen can be a valuable ally and a terrible enemy due to their hardiness and savage, heathen ways. This particular clan values warlike dominance; it may be difficult to turn them into an ally.

Slaver clan

These clanmen have been here for a long time. Perhaps their ancestors crashed here a thousand years ago, as their legends suggest. In any case, the nordmen are fierce people who live off of the work of others, and they are not afraid to use force to take what's not theirs. Albeit not as technologically advanced as other factions, the nordmen can be a valuable ally and a terrible enemy due to their hardiness and savage, heathen ways. This particular clan wreaks havoc in surrounding settlements and takes any survivors into slavery - it will be very difficult to become their ally!

Next up we will talk about actual viking pawns you will be able to encounter! :)



"The way we have coded the Viking Faction is that their bases will only spawn in warmer biomes." Shouldn't it be "colder biomes" ? And very eager to hear more about this mod, it's gonna be super cool!


Can we get vanilla races expanded?


According to Rimworld primer there ain’t no alien races in the universe so no, not as part of vanilla expanded. We will however add alien races with our mass effect mod which isn’t a part of vanilla expanded :)


This was but mentioned on the discord a while ago but I'll expand on it a bit, vanilla victories expanded, after selecting your story teller you would have a new screen in which you select a victory condition like escape from the planet, conquer the planet, make world peace. An event for vanilla events expanded, ruins of an empire, this would have parts of ships laying around in a map and will have random items but lots of enemies, the longer it is left after being discovered the lower the resources Can their be an event in which their is a massive disaster of some kind, the primer said all worlds will at some point have a war, plague, natural disaster or cultural upheaval that can set the world back millennia A world condition where their is a constant war and you have to pick a side, their will be multiple factions that will control certain territories and be overly controlled by a main big faction, you can also have the ability to not pick a side but be constantly at war with everyone Animal worlds, no factions at all Glass world, would all be one biome and mainly have junk in the biome Talking dogs Morphs: Radiation resistance Soldier morph Designer mates Fashion stuff Body structure adaption Atmospheric adaptions Vanilla terraforming expanded


I forget where you said it, but is the spartan foundry mod going to get merged before we see the update to 1.2?


We have added some bigger more powerful events like the ones you describe in the form of purple events in Vanilla Events Expanded. They last up to 5 years which in my eyes is long enough - you need to remember that not everyone would like their planet permanently changed. As for victory conditions it’s something we might want to do in the future, nothing more to add on this. Animal world, glass world, all this sounds like a cool gimmick for one or two playthroughs max but I don’t see replayability factor in it. Nothing to add on the subject of morphs.