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Hello everyone and welcome to a quick update I am writing to inform you about the current circumstances.

I have just moved 3 days ago into a much larger flat that will finally allow me to host regular public livestreams and the likes.

The problem is, due to COVID-19 there is a massive backlog of ISP customers in the queue, which unfortunately means I will only get broadband plugged in on 20th of August (!).
Now, it wouldn't be a problem, but the flat I'm in barely has any service due to being surrounded by other blocks of flats.

This means I only get service by the window and it's incredibly, awfully slow.

I will still carry on working on mods tho, as I don't need internet for that, and we are still on track with release of vikings, altered carbon, Vanilla cooking expanded - brewing and How to Train your Dragon mods, however I won't be online much.

I hope you all understand this, and I promise to make it up to you as soon as I have more than 10 kb upload speed.



Grats on the new flat, my dude


Damn that internet really sucks, hope you get a better network soon


This times sucks but, you are alright and can work... Lets let it be that way, congratulations on your new place! :D


Congrats on the new flat! Hopefully the ISP people can get to you sooner so you don't go crazy being cooped up with no internet :p


Congrats on the new flat! Make sure to take plenty pictures of the place for legal protection. And setup some wooden traps for possible raids!