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Hello everyone and welcome to today's development blog.

Testing of Insectoids is ongoing and we hit another major set back - some users experience game breaking bug that we can't seem to be able to fix just yet - I am one of those users. We are however working relentlessly and getting other programmers to help with Insectoids, so that we can release the mod as soon as possible :)

You can still join our beta testing server. Simply follow this link:
Use the #welcome channel to introduce yourself if you want to gain the tester role!

Now, a little teaser of something still quite far away on the roadmap, but getting closer and closer with small steps.



I'd like to ask if you're planning on adding features based on Mass Effect races' lore, the most notable being turian and quarian dextro-amino acids dependance and the enviro-suits used by the latter species? On one hand it'd give the player more micro by asking them to think around meeting diffrent races' living requirements (akin to androids from "Android tiers" and their usage of power instead of food, just more specific), on the other it'd most likely be a pain in the ass for majority of players (and coders working on the mod I imagine) for not that much payoff.


I never knew about Turians but we do have a little cool mechanic planned for the quarians - in a similar manner to toxic Sensitivity, Quarians will require to wear special helmets that provide them with Immunity to disease and illness. If the helmet isn’t present, a chance of contracting any random illness is much higher. Quarians don’t build immunity to a disease of any kind is a death sentence.