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Hi there everyone!
Today we will focus on something a little bit different than usual. This Typical Tuesday Suggestions thread is open for everyone, Patrons and non-Patrons!

What do you think about this Patreon page and the rewards of the tier that you're on? Do you think you are getting enough for the money you're putting towards my practice? Or do you think I can come up with something else to repay you for all that contribution?

Do you think the money you're donating is justified? Or a wicked begging scheme with little to no reward?

What rewards would you like to receive? What reward would make you want to upgrade to the next tier?

This TTS thread will be used from 05/11/2019 to 12/11/2019.


I, Oskar Potocki, founder of Vanilla Expanded modding team, reserve the right to take ownership of these ideas in order to incorporate them into this page. By submitting an idea you agree to this very disclaimer.



Well you know my wish for a 15$ tier already :)


For me personaly this is the first patreon I've started, not because I want a reward for my tier but I believe in the content you and the team are creating that is for me the reward I want. more great vanilla style content, and with the addition of these TTS it gives us a option to pitch ideas on that note My Suggestion: Transport Expanded: Neolithic - pack animals // standaard - sled drawn by dogs of other animals // increased carry Medieval - Carts pushed by pawn // increase carry capacity but not speed - pack animal drawn Carriage // increased carry and speed Industrial - Truck fueled by chemfuel // increased carry and speed Spacer - dropship fueled by Chemfuel or maybe Uranium // more carry then a droppod and the ability to return


I guess my train idea would fit right in here. Since Rimworld is inspired by Westerns, I felt like trains would always fit right in.


Just in case it helps in the future, I wanted to let you know what compelled me to commit to the uranium tier (at least for this month): 1) you put out a lot of content fairly quickly, which, since I was looking for the equivalent of a contractor to get a mod done for me, means that you basically had a portfolio that I could look through to tell me that you're pretty versatile, and that your aesthetics are worth the investment (I get my feathers ruffled when I see great mods with clashing aesthetics too, so this is a big one for me) 2) you are very active on your mods' pages, answering questions, explaining things, and taking/making suggestions. This gave me the impression that you are generally pretty easy to work with, and that I have a reliable way to reach you if for whatever reason patreon fails me. 3) You are open and willing to discussing payment structure/type/etc and will be responsive to people regardless of whether they have given you money already or not. This should be brand building 101, but given that many major players in the gaming industry are treating their existing customers more and more like cattle, I guess it needs to be reiterated. These factors combined to make me feel confident in investing in your work, and made what would otherwise be a very steep investment feel worthwhile. In the future, I think some sort of page where you showcase the time it took to make your more popular mods (especially broken down into art and coding sections so that patrons can get a more tangible feel for it) would help people estimate for themselves how much it would cost to propose their idea, as well as potentially offering some kind of supplementary tier (for example, you're charging about $10/hour, so if someone wants a mod that takes 25 hours total, maybe they can pay you $250 instead of having to choose between $200 and $400).