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Hello everyone!

It seems this is it for hairstyles, the last couple of infographics. We have now reached ONE HUNDRED (100) unique hairstyles and fifteen beard styles, which makes us the biggest hair mod out there.

Please, take a look at these whilst I carry on working on the barber bench.

One that's done, Beta testers will receive their copy to hunt down bugs, allowing us to release a clean, bug-free mod! Probably not, there's always a bug or two that slips past, but I guess we will see.

I am working on a new Patreon tier, Jade tier - which will be a 10$ tier, allowing you to get all the rewards of 1$ and 5$ tiers, whilst also giving you access to the mod development roadmap, where all my mods will be listed alongside of what still needs to be done and what's completed. 

There is a lot of projects that have started but are nowhere near the presentable state, and this roadmap will let you know what to expect.

Your support means the world to me, especially now when I'm short on cash, and I try to find every way to repay you guys! Thanks a lot!



The worst part of this mod is that before i had one hairstyle that i always used for my main colonist and now i will spend hours in Prepare Carefully trying to choose from this magnificent hairstyles 😂 I guess with prepare carefully we will be able to choose from all 100 hairstyles for our colonist no matter if its tribal only / raider only etc?


Yes that is correct, we're also making beards compatible with prepare carefully so you can also select from a range of 15 beard styles.


You are pure awesomeness.


I did not expect that, finally my colonist can go about the family business. Saving people, hunting things, you know?