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As you have probably seen, Tynan Sylvester has dropped a little teaser.




Dick Turnip

Ah, nothing like the thunderous cacophony of my +200-mod playthrough getting absolutely bodied into another dimension by another code rewrite. Oh, New Drakhna, we hardly knew ye... More seriously, can't wait to see what's planned for 1.5. Not sure what more they can add on the science front though, but I'll watch this space.

Jack Bow

1.5 bringing more performance optimizations. Hopefully, we can have 50 colonist-modded playthroughs now.

Jai-Dee Worth

Playing through and one of my colonists died...and now I'm thinking if I don't memorialize him - a ghost should manifest sometime later..... I can't make mods, but i believe this would be a good interesting enhancement....

Jai-Dee Worth

I'll admit i took this mechanic from Dwarf Fortress. Been playing that off and on for decades.