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Page 2 done! That took wayy longer than I expected lmao but I think it turned out pretty good! I liked working in the overlapping on the panel lines, I found it made it much more professional and dynamic looking :3


But the set up here is finally done! Next page is when the real action starts for this story ;3 And we'll be seeing MUCH more of the big buck here~


I'm glad to have this off my plate now, I like doing these comic pages but they're a bit overwhelming and really test my endurance as an artist I find. I'm hoping to get the fanart and patron reward out much quicker! 


I also want to sketch out some ideas for Locktober! I feel like I really ought to make some art for it! I'm not sure how much I'll do, but if I could get something out once a week for it I'd be thrilled! Not sure what exactly yet though




Sven's such a stud~ :3