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This morphic field aimed at not only facilitating restful sleep but also actively supporting the body's innate regenerative capacities during the sleep cycle. This specialized field is designed to augment and fine-tune the body's natural healing mechanisms, potentially fostering accelerated cellular rejuvenation, tissue repair, and overall physiological recovery during periods of rest. By harmonizing with the body's natural rhythms, this field seeks to induce deeper and more restorative sleep stages, optimizing the body's regenerative processes to facilitate quicker recovery from physical strain, injuries, or ailments. The ultimate goal is to enhance the restorative nature of sleep, promoting a more revitalizing and recuperative experience for individuals.




Thank you. Do you think you would consider something to restore the gut micro biome. I’m stuck in fight or flight mode and I have a stopped posture through fear. I would appreciate your help. Love, peace and gratitude, Matt.

Danny S.

Thanks 🙏