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PATREON only version, 

Boosted + music free ver. (field is more effective and powerful)

Mental faculties are functional aspects of the mind. Therefore, it is of prime importance that we first introduce  the  mind.  The  mind  is  defined  as  a  state  of  consciousness.  The  mind  does  not  have  a form,  it  is  an  abstract.  As  a  state  of  consciousness,  the  mind  indicates  a  state  of  awakening.

The six intellectual faculties lay beyond the physical senses. They are in the conscious mind which is the thinking mind. These mental muscles when exercised will help us to achieve any goal we desire.  They are.,The six intellectual faculties lay beyond the physical senses. They are in the conscious mind which is the thinking mind. These mental muscles when exercised will help us to achieve any goal we desire.  They are.,

The six intellectual faculties lay beyond the physical senses. They are in the conscious mind which is the thinking mind. These mental muscles when exercised will help us to achieve any goal we desire.  They are.,







If we exercise our mental muscles,our six intellectual faculties, we can achieve any goal that we desire. Successful people and people who live above the ordinary tap into these gifts every time they want to achieve a lifechanging goal.

So the audio programming is meant to unlocking and strengthening these mental faculties.



Jason Frovich

Would this be good for someone who suffered a brain injury or a concussion? I still have a number of cognitive issues that I’m working on. example is I can watch as much TV as I want but if I try to watch an educational program or a learning audio video or podcast, I can only do like 30 minutes a day. I’m also looking at the other ones to see if they’ll help with that as well. What would you recommend that could help with this issue?