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Most people have felt nervous or anxious in a social setting at some point in their lives that’s a natural feeling. Some examples of particularly nerve wracking social situations include first dates, job interviews, and giving a performance or speech.

But a social anxiety disorder is not just an occasional bout of nerves. It’s a disorder that leads you to avoid certain or all social circumstances due to intense anxiety, fear, and embarrassment of other people watching or judging you. The fear that comes with social anxiety disorder is debilitating. People with social anxiety disorder may experience these strong feelings of fear only in particular social settings, like meeting new people, in everyday occurrences like talking to colleagues at work or going to school, or when they must perform in front of an audience.

This field will completely repair and restore amygdala (region of the brain primarily associated with emotional processes) in a normal stage and you can gain control over your brain's irrational emotional reactions and phobias. Time to time it heals the amygdala permenantly.

Listen often or as your need.




I know Doc recommends using only speakers to listen, any guidance on how near or far the speaker has to be to get the best results? Also, does more volume mean more energy?


Would you plan to create an advanced version of Fields to an object in the future?Making it last longer and more fields to be store.