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Patreon special release EM

This audio is programmed with the fine Salt (means pure) vibrational energy. This audio also works as a deep energy system/aura cleaner even works as an inner soul purifier because of its powerful programmed energy.

Cleanup your entire energy system. Better listen with your phone/system speakers. Feel the salt experience in your whole body.

Please share your experience in comment section/Dm, it will encourage me to work on more these type of energy fields :)




I definitely taste the salt after one listen.👍👍

Strong Emery

Do we need to wait a few hours to not remove results from other recently played fields, subliminals or other energy work? If so, is 3 hours sufficient?


It will not remove the result of any of subliminal/Energy field works, Its like a normal salt energy 'bath', you can use this field anytime. If you are looking for a deep energy system cleanup,listen 'Aura cleansin' field (Check out ptevious uploads)