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Bad Karma or Bad actions,In Sanskrit Bad actions is also called Vikarma.
Extending the definition to “bad karma” would mean “wrong actions resulting in underage effect”
Bad karma accumulates when one causes hurt or damage to another living being - we all do it as part of life everyday.
Karma isn’t punishment. It is an energetic response to you, and to what you are contributing to this universe. It is a mirror. How do you change an image in the mirror? The universe does not choose response. It responds to your own actions and thoughts, flawlessly and without question because it is energetically bound to do just that. It swings with equal power into the negative or the positive polarity.
The advanced combination of energies and frequencies programmed in this morphic field will work towards to remove your 'Bad karma' energy pattern.




So if I understand things correctly, what this field does is cause one to generate more good karma to offset the bad? That would be fine, just curious more than anything else.