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Aura and energy fields are our life force. They are best explained as an electromagnetic field that, given the right circumstances, can be seen around the body although that is not strictly correct. There are seven layers to the aura and it is said they work on different planes of existence. Some are physical and this can be perceived by a sensitive eye as a whitish light about two inches around the body. Another part of the aura is more etheric and paler in colour which extends about 70cm around the body. On an astral level the aura can extend even further depending on the person.
The powerful energy programmed in this audio will expand and strengthen your auric field(mainly).



Jason Frovich

I also get an error trying to download this file. Can you please please look into that


MD for some reason,download link doesnt work,and even cannot be played can u fix audio pls?


No download file


Hey Doc, could you please check if there is an error somewhere. There is no file downloaded. Peace and blessing. Thanks